CHAPTER 20 - Special

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"We were just talking," you smiled before quickly catching up to him, leaving the others to catch up to you. "Um, Sir?" you drew his attention. "Why'd You call me 'Your Highness'?"

"Talking's better left for safer quarters, but," he stopped, lowering his voice to speak. "I can tell You now, Your Highness - You're very, very special." Without another word, he continued walking through the raving.

It was already way darker when you exited it. "Oh blimey, looks like the old girl has got the kettle on. Nice cup o' Rosy Lee," the beaver said happily, looking down at the dam, probably his handiwork.

"It's lovely," Lucy commented.

"It's merely a trifle," the beaver answered, staying humble. "Still plenty to do, ain't quite finished it yet. It'll look the business when I do, though."

"Looks cozy," you admitted, walking downhill after the beaver.

"Thank you, Your Highness," the beaver said, showing you where the entrance is.

"Beaver? Is that you?" a feminine voice called as you neared. "I've been worried sick! If I find you've been out with Badger again, I- Oh! Well those aren't badgers. I never thought I'd live to see this day!"

"Hello," you greeted kindly when you five stopped. "Sorry we took the time, didn't mean to worry You."

"No it's quite alright, Your Highness," she said before turning to Mr. Beaver. "Look at my fur! You couldn't give me ten minute warning?"

"I'd have given you a week if I thought it would've helped," Mr. Beaver shrugged.

"I think Your fur looks great," you complimented awkwardly. "Very tidy."

"Thank you," she thanked. "Come inside now and we'll see if we can get you some food. And some civilized company."

You went inside the dam, watching your step like Mr. Beaver told you to. But as soon as you sat down, you were itching to ask a question. "I expect this is the safer quarters. Why am I called 'Your Highness'? I'm just... me."

The Light of Narnia - Book 1 (Narnia X OCish Reader)Where stories live. Discover now