CHAPTER 5 - Bunnies

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"Small favors."

"Professor Kirke is not accustomed to having children in this house," Mrs. Macready spoke as you arrived in the huge mansion, "and as such there are a few rules you need to follow."

Of course, you thought, it's only natural.

"There will be no shouting," she eyed all of you sternly, "or running. No improper use of the dumb waiter. No!.. touching of the historical artifacts!" she snapped when Susan was about to do just that.

Maybe we live in a museum, you shrugged mentally.

"And above all - there shall be no disturbing of the professor."


All of you had gathered in one room to listen to the radio while doing your own things silently. The events of the War had really shook most of you, especially Peter, Susan, Edmund and you since you four were old enough to start to understand everything, including the political side. Of course, it also shook Lucy but she probably didn't perceive it like the rest of you did.

Susan turned off the radio and nodded to Lucy, who was already in bed. You frowned slightly as you, also, raised your eyes from the activity at hand - fiddling with your locket. You had gotten a weird feeling, the nearer you had come to the Professor's house. And besides - the compass had started going berserk. Was there a problem with the magnetic fields?

"Sheets feel scratchy," Lucy said.

"Wars don't last forever, Lucy," Susan comforted. "We'll be home soon."

"Yeah, if home's still there," Edmund commented.

You glared at him. You usually got along with him well, better than the others even. But where'd he get the idea that saying that would be okay?

Susan sighed. "Isn't it time you were in bed?"

"Yes, Mom!" Edmund said sarcastically

"Ed!" Peter scolded.

"Have you seen outside?" you decided to speak up for the fifth or sixth time during the whole trip, surprising everyone. "This place is huge. And no one can keep an eye on us in that range. Especially, if it's only Mrs. Macready. As long as we don't violate anything, we can do whatever we want. There are probably a lot of cute animals up in the mountain forests too!"

"Like bunnies?" Lucy's eyes sparkled.

"Like bunnies," you confirmed. "Or maybe little foxes."

Lucy's gaze flew back to Susan and Peter. "Can we go exploring tomorrow? Pleaaaase?"

"Of course," Peter smiled at her while Susan sent a thankful smile to you.

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