CHAPTER 10 - Warm

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You smiled a bit and patted him on the shoulder. "If we don't have hope, we have nothing, Ed." Then you stood up and left, letting him think. Besides, you needed to go and meditate a bit.

You sat on your bed and took deep breaths while trying to make the warmness from your hands disappear. The bursts had become more frequent lately and you disliked it. A little voice inside you thought you should maybe try to embrace it but you were too scared.

The warmth was starting to become too much to bear so you had to release it. An image from the last time you did so flashed before your eyes. "Please don't set anything on fire," you muttered before opening your palms.

A golden, warm string floated out of it. You gasped. It didn't feel dangerous at all, rather comforting, or friendly, even. You watched as the string from your right palm formed into a beautiful rose and decided to raise your left hand, wiggling your fingers a bit. The light from your left palm floated up and formed a little bubble. You giggled delightedly since that was your intention - you were able to control the light.

You heard footsteps and in panic, you closed your hands to fists. The bubble and rose burst and rained down as tiny golden snowflakes. You heaved a breath of relief and turned your gaze to the door. "Let's go eat dinner, Y/n," Susan said. 

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