CHAPTER 12 - Mr. Tumnus

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"We're here, actually. Mr. Tumnus' cave," she smiled before knocking on the door.

An eye appeared in the doorway before the faun fully opened it. "Mr. Tumnus! You're alright!" Lucy exclaimed, beaming at him. "I brought a friend!"

"Come inside, then," Mr. Tumnus chuckled. You stepped in.

"Very cozy," you complimented. "I'm Y/n, by the way."

Mr. Tumnus' eyes widened a bit but he nodded. "Tumnus. You're Lucy's friend?"

"Yeah, neighbor actually," you smiled.

"Almost like a sister!" Lucy exclaimed, hugging your arm. "Y/n's always been really nice to us."


"Right, I didn't tell you yet! Me, Peter, Susan and Edmund."

Tumnus' eyes widened even more as he poured out the tea for the three of you. "There's 4 of you?" he asked carefully.

"Yeah! Five now actually because Y/n's going to live with us when we go back home," Lucy said, the words seemingly just coming out of her mouth with no exception.

You nodded slightly with a frown, confirming. "Y/n, you don't happen to...," Tumnus started, "you don't happen to know magic, do you?"

"More or less," you admitted. "I've ignored it for a while though."

"You have magic?" Lucy gasped.

But then all three of you heard something. "Wolves," Mr. Tumnus whispered. "I'm sorry but you two have to go now," he ushered you out. "It's not safe here anymore."

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