CHAPTER 26 - Wandering

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You looked around. Where is the Stone Table?

I'll probably reach the camp eventually when I just walk around, right? you thought to yourself, walking further into the woods. Or maybe the spyglass can show the way... Nah, it's not a map.

"Map," you muttered. You knew you had forgotten about something. And you desperately tried to remember it but it didn't work. "C'mon," you groaned, tapping the side of your head. "Please."

Then it dawned on you - your compass. You quickly fumbled with it, getting it out of your shirt. It was slightly wet but when you opened it, it still worked.

"Alright," you mumbled, turning yourself a few times to see if the arrow always pointed in the same way. It did. You sighed. "Here goes nothing."

You started to follow the arrow through the woods, noticing how it got more spring-y by the second, the grass getting greener, snow vanishing, trees first blooming and then already having leaves, birds singing. You saw what should've happened in months in the matter of a few minutes. Or something like that - you didn't know how long you walked.

But it didn't matter since you started to see the edges of the colorful tents and as you went closer to the edge of the woods, you started to hear some of the talk too.

"We have come to see Aslan," Peter's voice said, loud and clear. You couldn't see him or the others through the crowd and woods but you assumed they must've just arrived. A part of you wished you were there with them to walk through the crowd, to witness their happiness and to make them less worried about you. Yet, you weren't there which meant you had to go there.

Of course, you did so and started walking closer, going unnoticed since none of the creatures had remained near the tents that were near the edge of the camp - everyone had gathered in the center.

"Welcome, Peter, Son of Adam. Welcome, Susan and Lucy, Daughters of Eve. And welcome to you, beavers, you have my thanks," the voice wasn't loud but you could hear it clearly, like it was rumbling through the earth and air. "But where is the fourth and my daughter?"

"That's why we're here, Sir, we need your help," Peter said.

"We had a bit of trouble along the way," Susan admitted.

"Our brother's been captured by the White Witch," Peter said.

"Captured? How could this happen?" Aslan asked. He didn't sound mad, His voice was still kind, calm and firm like it had been before.

"He betrayed them, Your Majesty," Mr. Beaver spoke.

"Then he has betrayed us all," an unfamiliar voice spoke up and you were now pretty near the crowd.

"With all due respect," you opened your mouth, drawing attention to yourself. "I don't think he quite knew what he was doing."

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