CHAPTER 9 - A Talk

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"Exactly," you smiled and opened the door to the room between the boys' and girls'. "C'mon now."

"Hey, Ed," you said, climbing on the windowsill. He didn't look at you. "Would you like to talk? We haven't talked in a while..."

"Yeah, about that, Y/n, I've wanted to and I'm sorry I didn't," he said so quickly that you barely caught everything. "It's just the war and-"

"I understand," you chuckled lightly. "Look, I know you have to talk it out so... Why are you being so mean to Lucy?"

He frowned. "After Dad went to fight," he huffed, "Peter started acting like Dad. And y'know how Susan's always been - so grown-up-ly. And since Lucy's the youngest, they think they have to go around her all the time and make sure she's alright but what about me?"

You heard a crack in his voice and gave him a side-hug while thinking how great it was that you were in another room - separate from his family members so he could freely talk about them. "You'll be alright, Ed. You'll be alright."

"How do you know that?" he asked, obviously masking sadness with anger. "You can't predict the War!"

You smiled a bit and patted him on the shoulder. "If we don't have hope, we have nothing, Ed." Then you stood up and left, letting him think. Besides, you needed to go and meditate a bit.

The Light of Narnia - Book 1 (Narnia X OCish Reader)Where stories live. Discover now