CHAPTER 17 - Magic

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Soon, the other four also tumbled into Narnia. Peter and Susan looked amazed, to say the least. "Impossible," Susan breathed.

"Don't worry, I'm sure it's just your imagination," Lucy said with a smirk, coming to stand beside you.

"I suppose saying sorry would quite cover it," Peter said regretfully.

"No, it wouldn't, " Lucy started before throwing a snowball at Peter. "But that might!"

You laughed, also joining in the snowball fight. After a few throws, Susan hit Edmund. "Ow!" he whined. "Stop it!"

"You fat liar," Peter accused.

"You didn't believe them either!" Edmund defended.

"Apologize to them," Peter said firmly.

"To Lucy," you corrected. "It's enough for me to know I was right."

"Say you're sorry," Peter said, now getting a bit angry.

"Alright, I'm sorry," Edmund said, clearly not sincere about it.

"It's alright," Lucy answered. "Some little children just don't know when to stop pretending."

You gave her a pat on the shoulder. "Good one, Lu."

"Maybe we should go back," Susan said, being motherly, as always.

"Should we at least take a look around," Edmund recommended, gesturing to the mountains in the distance.

"I think Lucy should decide," Peter said.

Lucy's face immediately lightened up like a Christmas tree when it was decorated. "I think you ought to meet Mr. Tumnus!" she said happily. You nodded along. You hadn't had a long conversation with him but he seemed nice.

"Well then Mr. Tumnus it is," Peter said before going into the wardrobe, already a step ahead of Susan who now mentioned how thinly everyone was clothed. "No," Peter agreed. "But I'm sure the professor wouldn't mind if we borrowed these." He handed all of you coats. "Anyway, if you think about it logically, we're not even taking them out of the wardrobe."

"But that's a girl's coat," Edmund whined when Peter handed him his.

"I know," Peter answered blankly.

Soon, all of you were walking through the forest until you reached the lamppost. There, Lucy seemed to remember something. "Y/n! Last time we were here, you said something about magic."

"Oh, yeah," you nodded, a bit nervous inside. "I could show you?"

"Magic?" Peter questioned, a bit skeptical. But then he shrugged. "At the same time, we're in a forest in a wardrobe. Go ahead."

You nodded before looking at your hands. You had never actually used it on purpose, it was always there due to the emotions. You felt a bit of warmth charging up and smiled when your palms started to glow before a little light rose out of them, creating a little bubble. The bubble floated to Lucy and popped when it touched her nose. She giggled. "It's so warm!"

The others seemed to look at you with amazement and honestly, you didn't know how to react to the attention. "Why don't we just go to Mr. Tumnus' now. We can discuss more magic later," you suggested. The others nodded. But with magic, you also remembered your compass and took it out, the arrow pointing into somewhere in the woods. Yet what surprised you was the fact that it wasn't going berserk anymore. Like it had again found something to orientate after.

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