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Cassidy's Pov
"Why are you so goddamn pretty. Like I wanna be as pretty as you." One of the girls said.

I asked for light makeup. I didn't prefer heavy and Eva let me borrow a white dress that went down below my knees.

"Thank you. Your very pretty also." I said and she smiled.

"Polite and pretty. Every man and girl wants." She said.

"And unfortunately really dumb." I muttered.

They continued with a white eyeshadow and a wing. They gave me some lipstick and after showed myself.

"You literally have natural eyelashes we didn't need to do that." One of the girls said as I saw myself.

It was the first time I felt pretty for some reason. People have told me I was really pretty but I didn't believe it.

"And here." Eva said giving me a dress.

Suddenly those insecurities that went away came back. I cringed at myself for taking her dress.

I walked in the closet and take a deep breath. When I looked at the mirror I could feel like this was way to small.

I was about to say something when I felt myself stop me. I put the dress on and I was right. The top fit perfectly but the dress was flowing below my knees and reaching my mid shin.

When I heard a knock at the door I jumped.

"Are you okay?" I heard and I grumbled looking in the mirror.

"I need help..." I mumbled.

The door opened and I saw Anna instead. I felt her behind me and her cold hands on the waist of the dress making me jump.

"It's okay." She whispered.

I felt her zip it up in the back. She got all my hair back letting it fall on my back.

"Beautiful..." she whispered meeting my eyes in the mirror.

"Your so beautiful" she said.

"I feel... pretty I guess." I mumbled.

"Cass you don't have to go if you don't want to." She said and she sounded upset.

"No no it's okay... I can't chicken out now." I mumbled.

I turned to see Anna as always wearing her trusty suit. She was wearing all white for the dance.

When I saw her tie was undone she looked at me sheepishly.

"I'm sorry I thought you would know how to put on a tie." She said scratching the back of her neck.

I grabbed a hold of letting it wrap her neck and did it. I've done this with Chase all the time.

I started to do it and let the long end flow down. She smiled at me before taking my hand and walking out.

The color theme was white and blue or gold. So I went with Anna's color pallet.


We walked through the doors as my arm was wrapped with Anna's arms. Everyone saw us and I literally wanted the floor to swallow me.

"Oh my god... Anna!" We heard.

Anna's soccer team came up. When they saw me they were shocked. Ha I was shocked too.

"Oh my god your so fucking pretty." They said and I hid behind Anna instead.

I hate compliments. They always give attention and I prefer to stay away from the attention.

"Do you want some punch? I'll get it for you." Anna said and I looked at her.

"May I get it..." I said and smiled and nodded.

She let me walk in front of her standing close behind me. I got some punch and a small piece of cake.

Anna got the same thing and we went back. We sat down as I found Victoria coming out way.

"Anna dance with me baby." She said pulling on her tie that was now messed up.

I frowned but when Anna looked at me I acted like nothing was wrong.

"Vic I said leave me alone. I told you to find another date. I already have one." She said and on the inside I smiled really big.

Victoria looked at me and scoffed.

"You could have done so much better." She said and that really hurt.

"Victoria go suck someone off like you do to every Man. And if you could see I'm a woman in a suit. Get over yourself." Anna said.

Victoria gave me a glare before slapping Anna's face. Anna's face moved to the side when I stood up.

"Oh sit down captain." She said.

I didn't listen. I made sure Anna was okay. Nothing was there so I'm glad she didn't leave a mark.

Victoria scoffed again and finally left.

"Are you hurt? I'm so sorry." I whispered. She smiled at me and cupped my face.

"Your cute when you worry." She said and I felt my cheeks redden a lot. Heat rushed up and she chuckled.

I redid her tie again as she smiled. I flipped the collar down and let it flow down once again.

"Cmon dance with me." She said.

"But Anna I don't know how to dance." I said.

"This is a slow song. You'll do great." She said and I frowned.

"Come here." She whispered.

She interlocked our fingers and looked at me. I felt her hand on my waist.

"Now you put your arm right here." She said lifting my arm up on her shoulder.

"Your doing great." She whispered.

She moved me with her and we danced. She let me set my head on top of her shoulder. We kinda just swayed to the beat I guess.

After the song ended and I ended up putting my head on Anna's chest. We went to sit back down.

When a tv showed up a loud screen playing. They were playing games like twister and who can shove the most Oreos in their mouth.

Then they showed 'The cutest Couples' and what came up next was me and Anna slow dancing making me put my face in my hands with embarrassment.

"Hey..." I heard Anna chuckling a little making me flip her off.

Overall last night was a really fun night...

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