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Cassidy's Pov
I was nervous but hungry. Anna brought me to her car as we went to Panda Express.

"You wanna have take-out? Or sit?" She asked me and I shrugged.

"Mkay nod if you want take out and shake your head no if you want to sit." She said and I thought about it.

I did t want to feel rushed when I'm eating. So I shook my head no.

We got out of the car has I felt Anna behind me. She opened the door for me and waited for me to go in first.

I always waited for people to go first even if I was late. I didn't want people to judge me so I waited if she wanted to go in first.

"I'm not gonna be a douche bag and open the door for myself." She said and I smiled as I walked in feeling her behind me.

"You want to order first?" She asked me and this right here was my biggest fear.

I was 16 and I still can't order my own food.

"I- uhm. You go first." I said and she nodded.

"Can I get orange chicken with a side of noodles?" She said and the guy nodded as I didn't want to step up.

"Tell me what you want." She said.

"Uhm... sesame chicken with side of rice and lo mien.." I mumbled.

"Sesame chicken with a side of rice and lo mien." She said and the guy nodded.

"And can we get two large drinks?" She added as the guy gave us two cups and left us to wait.

"Cmon." She said bringing me to the refreshments.

I got my usual. Sprite. Like always. Never tried anything else. Anna looked at me before getting a coke. 

We sat at a two table just for us. When they called our number she got up to go get them.

"Here you go." She said putting the food in front of me.

I was so hungry including with the meds that have messed with my body. I didn't realize I was so hungry until now. Coach practically keep forcing the med down my throat when he realized I stopped taking them.

I was on his entire lie for an month and it took courage for me to eat even if it was half a meal everyday.

"Hungry?" She asked and I nodded as she got me both chopsticks and a fork with a spoon.

I knew how to use chopsticks for Anna she struggled... badly. She looked at me in embarrassment.

"Just use the Your middle or pointer finger." I said moving her fingers around.

I got her position correct has she still struggled. I laughed a little and she smiled.

"Soo... like this." She said and she just stabbed the chicken with her one chopstick she had in her hand making me laugh.

"Weirdo." I mumbled and she faked gasped.

"How dare you..." she said and I smiled.

"For a person who doesn't smile very often... you have quite a cute one." She said eating the chicken that she stabbed.

I could just fell the blush just falling out of my cheeks.

"And blushes... very quick." She said and I looked at her.

"Shut up." I mumbled and she laughed.

She kept stabbing the chicken. As I could feel her look at me. She had these puppy eyes and she always wanted to hold eye contact with me which made me nervous.

I tend to zone out during eye contact and do something stupid like trip while walking.

"You have some beautiful eyes." She said and I could just feel my body instantly melt at her words.

"Uh- what no... they are brown. Like... poop." I said and she laughed.

"No... I think it looks like. Brown from a forest when it's fall with all the leaves falling off." She said and she made it sound like dreamy.

"Oh... we'll Im sorry I don't look at my eyes." I said.

"I do. I seem to like them. Very much." She said and I could just felt my nerves intense.

I was having an unknown feeling I didn't know what to do.

"I'm sorry... did I make you uncomfortable?" She asked me and I shook my head no.

"I'm having... fun?" I mumbled.

"That's good." She said and I could just feel that same feeling going through me.

"Fun is very good. Fun in fact is what makes life great." She said and I smiled.

"Yeah thanks for the definition." I said sarcastically and she laughed.

"Is this... a date?" I asked popping a question unexpectedly.

"No. No date... unless you want it to be." She said and I shook my head no.

"Than we can just call it... hanging out." She said and I nodded.

After we were finished she asked me if I needed to go to practice. I didn't want to and I didn't have to go because that's what the other coach said.

"Well... I need to go to soccer practice. Wanna watch?" She asked me and I looked at her.

"sure..." I mumbled and she smiled.

When we reached the field I could just feel the amount of eyes on me.

"Just sit right there. I'll be out in 50." She said and I nodded before I could see her leave the soccer coach came up to me.

"Oh... your coach Lance." I said and she nodded.

"Has... your coach ever done something to you?" She asked me and I got so nervous I could feel my hand just guiding back up to the back of my neck.

"Uhm... n-no I don't think so." I said scratching the back of my neck as hard as I could.

"Okay... we'll if he ever does something don't be afraid to come to me." She said and I nodded as she left.

I let out a relief when I looked at my fingers they had blood on them. I wiped the back of my neck to realize I had scratched d myself so hard I had went deep and it started to bleed.

I really need to stop doing that...


Bruh our power went out 🥲

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