2.9K 76 11

Tw: Rape.

If you want you can skip this chapter it's okay. :)

Anna's pov
I couldn't help but think of the notes and what Cassidy wrote on the back of her book. I realized she must have never really experienced love yet. She can't really help herself with her social anxiety that it makes it hard to even make or keep friends.

"Anna!" I heard being pulled onto the field.

"You ready! Mind set on the game! No one or anything else." She said and I nodded.

I lied. Cassidy was on my mind and she was coming to my game. It was also really cold outside so we ran in pants which was sad at the most but we were okay.

When I saw Cassidy getting up the bleachers she sat in the far corner on our team. I ran up the bleachers to say hi when I saw someone already talking to her.

"Oh yeah? Anna? Don't get with her. I've been told she has a dick." Well in my surprise it was Kiley...

I've told a few people I was an intersex yet I didn't think anyone would be brave enough to expose it.

I was stunned and when Cassidy saw me she just stared at me.

"Oh Anna! Hey..." Kiley said and I just scoffed and went to go back down.

"Anna..." I heard hoping it was Cassidy but it was only Kiley who was coming down after me.

You see I use to date Kiley. Everyone knew about that but when someone outed her she got angry and blamed it on me. Week later she begged me to come back. When I refused she again got mad at me.

I looked at Cassidy who was still looking at me. When we met eyes she quickly looked away. I decided to build enough courage and walked up.

I sat next to her and I could she was frozen and stiff over anxiety.

"You... you really weren't suppose to know that." I mumbled.

"I don't care." She said and I looked at her.

"Your unique... I guess that's just your way of being different than everyone else." She said and I smiled.

It was unlikely for anyone to be supportive of what I was born with. Usually they freak out and never talk to me again and most people... well the don't know I am one.

"Good luck Anna." She said but before I left I placed a soft kiss on her cheek making her freeze.

I ran down the bleachers stairs and got myself situated on the field.

I used tight spandex to hide it and make it less visible. I ran down the fields and back. The game was interesting you could say with the scores tied up. I looked at Cassidy who was watching me.

I gave a little wave but she didn't wave back. I did see a slight smile come from her I guess too shy...

"Get your goddamn head in the game." Emmy said wacking the back of my head.

"Jesus alright..." I mumbled.

I looked at Cassidy again. I realized the reason she didn't wave back was because she was cold. I could see her shivering.

I grabbed my hoodie and quickly went up there. I gave it to her but before she could say anything I went back down and the game had started again.

Cassidy's Pov
With Anna sweatshirt on top of mine it still didn't make the cold any difference. Before the game ended I was gonna go inside the school cause I know that teachers stay to watch the games.

I went inside the gym and warmed up my hands. I was gonna go back out and find Anna but unfortunately I ran into my coach...

"Hey there." He said.

"You seem... cold. Come warm up in my office." He said but I really didn't want to.

"Cassidy Cmon. Just for 5 minutes and than you can go." He said and I sighed and nodded.

He gave me cup of water from the water fountain I started to drink it when I got a weird feeling.

The coach closed his office door. I looked at him when he locked it.

"I Uhh... I think I should go." I mumbled trying to go for the door.

I felt him grab me by my sweatshirt cornering me into a cornering me into a corner.

"Hey calm down its okay." He said when I felt him grab my waist.

I started to feel a little nauseous. He bashed me into the wall. The injury on my head from hitting a brick started to hurt. My body started to feel a little weak.

"I think... we should have a little fun." He whispered as I felt him breathing down my neck.

He restricted my movements when he forced slammed my entire body to his desk... I eventually fought back with him but his strength against me was way to much.

He started to pull my sweatshirt off but when her realized I had two on he gave up and went for my pants.

"Wait no please stop! I'll do anything just please!" I yelled sobbing.

"Too late now..." he said as he actually succeeded to pulling my pants.

He went for my underwear and I kicked him in the face. He got angrier which he limited my movements against him. He gripped my waist as I could feel the pain just everywhere...

He just have drugged the drink because I realized I started to black out...

What happened... what happened to the trust I had for him. He switched up on me so fast...

We only have one thing in commonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora