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Cassidy's Pov
"I told you I don't know what happened." I muttered.

Two agents sat there as I scratched the back of my neck really hard. My leg was bouncing and everything around me with the dark grey walls were making it worse.

"Where's Chase." I said and they looked at me.

"Who is this chase?" They asked me.

"Chase my little brother where is he." I asked again.

"Uhm... we don't know. He's probably with your parents." They said continuing their questioning.

"I wanna see him." I said.

"I wanna see my little bother let me fucking see him." I said and they looked at me.

"Okay... calm down you will see your little brother in a little let us finish alright?" One of the agents said.

This wasn't a police investigation... this was FBI...

"Let me see my fucking brother now." I demanded.

I wanted to know if he was safe and that three weren't questioning him. He can get a little overwhelmed when people talk to him asking so many questions.

"Miss I know you miss your brother but we only have a few questions left." He said and I got up and ran for the door.

I felt them pull me back as I fought back. The both of them tried to calm me down but it didn't work.

"let her see her brother." Someone said in the comms.

They let me go and I was out the door after they unlocked it. I ran to the lobby passing people and saw Chase in the lobby... alone.

When he saw me he ran for me. I hugged him tight. He pulled my sweatshirt telling me that he didn't like this place.

"Are you okay? You hurt?" I asked and he shook his head no.

I forgot to mention... Chase was born autistic. He was treated differently by my parents. More likely they pampered him into being their favorite child.

But as we grew older they'd get mad at him for having things differently. But everyday he would come in my room and lay with me until he fell asleep.

He was athletic though and that was one thing that taught me to be a little more stronger in sports because he depended on me and I didn't want to let him down.

"Where's mom and dad." I asked him.

He pointed at the door. And I sighed. They left him alone in a. A building that he didn't know.

A couple agents came over asking if we were okay. As I was about to answer someone yelled 'don't let her leave'

They looked at me as if I was a suspect. They started to come for me when I took Chase's hands.

"Ma'am please. Don't run..." he said.

I noticed that a lot of the agents in the building had their hand on their guns. But him he just had his hands out attempting to calm not only me but Chase.

"She's not a suspect put your weapons down!" They yelled and everyone relaxed a little.

"Where's Anna." I asked.

She was the only person I trusted to take Chase home or to stay with him.

"I'm right here..." I heard turning to see Anna who was coming out of a Interrogation room.

"I can... stay with him." She said and I looked at chase.

"You gonna be okay bubba?" I asked him crouching down at his level. He nodded and I sighed.

I looked at her and let go of Chase's hand. I guess I was a little clam after finding and knowing chase was okay. I wouldn't ever forgive myself if I found Chase hurt.

This time a couple of more agents came in the room. They all sat down behind me...

My nails dig into my skin and the agents must have realized because they brought in a sprite and a sandwich.

"If you want anything else. You can tell me." I remember the guy the one that didn't hold his gun of a threat.

I managed to finish the questions the agents asked me and they all left me here to be alone. I stared at the metal table I was sitting at when I heard the door open.

"I am Agent Miles. I'll be assign to your case for now on." It was that same agent.

I've managed to gain a minor trust on him as I nodded.

"The reason the police handed us this case was because Derek King has been a former person who stole over 1 million dollars off a bank." He said.

"He's also a criminal who changed his last name. Changed everything and has been on our top criminals for the past 10 years." He said and I fiddled with my hair band.

"Thank you... I know you've been through a lot with this case especially taking in everything at once... but we are thankful for finally catching him." He said and my mouth formed a small smile of praise from him.

"No problem sir." I said and he shook his head no.

"Feel free to call me. And court date will be setting. I'll send you a mail." He said and I nodded.

"You can go..." he said standing up.

I didn't get up. Honestly I was afraid that people would want to shoot me by the amount of people grabbing for their guns.

"Cmon. I can walk you to the exit." He said and I got up.

He walked me to where Chase saw me. He ran and hugged me as I smiled.

"Hey..." Anna said above me.

"Ice cream?" Chase asked us as I looked at him.

"Maybe later tonight." I said and Anna shook her head no. She grabbed her keys out of her pocket.

"My treat."


If you have the audacity to make a track team run a whole 400m run and doing that 4 times. And than before that me having like fucking 10 mental breakdowns your are simply... a bitch.

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