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Cassidy's Pov
"A skirt... wow you are a slut." She said putting her hand around my neck pushing me down on a hard flat surface.

"Please... get off of me." I mumbled and she laughed.

"What? I thought you wanted this. Since you wore such a slutty skirt." she said and I began to think.

Is it really my clothes I'm wearing right now... is it me or how I act with why people want to fuck me?

I was cut off with my thoughts when I felt Kiley lift my skirt up. Obviously the only thing under this was panties because mother didn't bother to think about what was under my skirt.

I felt her start to bring down my underwear making me fight back.

"Stop fighting you bitch. Your a fucking whore. For everyone to use and literally get dumped in the fucking snow outside." She said bringing up to my face.

"That's probably why your coach fucked you and left you. Your for everyone's use." She said and I could only whimper because I was nearly drunk with tipsy at the edge I tried kicking her.

She pushed my legs down. Spreading them. I sat up trying to get her off of me. She collected my wrist pinning them above me.

"Oh yeah? You like to be forced into submission. Forced and fucked." She said making her voice low at me.

I could feel myself form tears. This was a really bad idea to come here... She had practically forced me to make out with her.

When I saw Anna I tried reaching for her yet she pulled me away.

"Kiley!" I heard feeling a familiar voice.

"Oh Jesus Christ you and your stupid girlfriend." Kiley said as grabbed my waist.

She started to pull my sweatshirt and the white button up above my body. She looked at me and I could see how dark her eyes were.

She kissed my body still pinning my wrist making me try and yell out for Anna yet she stuffed something in my mouth. Why is this happening to me? Why out of everyone else me.

"Beautiful..." she whispered reaching my abdomen.

"Working out?" She asked me as I could feel her trace around my light abs.

She pulled whatever she put in my mouth away. But put her hand over my mouth.

"Please stop. I don't want this." I begged and she pulled a laugh out of her mouth.

"Beautiful yet so dumb and pathetic." She said reaching up to my face.

Where the fuck is Anna... I want her to get in her before it's too late. Right when I thought that the door busted open.

"Kiley. Fuck you." I heard as the pressure with my wrist disappeared.

I heard a bunch of crashing. When I felt someone wrap their arms around me I squirmed to get away but I heard her comfort voice.

"Hey its okay... why don't we go home..." she said and I nodded in desperation.

She pulled my skirt down and fixed my clothes. She pulled my hand to help me up. She kept me close to her every step away. Her hand on my waist and she never did let go.

"Cmon." She said as she took me through the crowd.

When we reached outside she still kept me close until we reached the car. She opened the door for me and let me in the car.

When she got in the car it was a long drive of silence. What just happened left me shocked.

"I am... sorry for making you wear the skirt." Anna spoke up breaking the silence.

"What?" I asked as I could feel the tears just coming.

"If the skirt made it uncomfortable for you to wear Im sorry. I didn't mean for this to happen I was genuinely just trying to make it wear you could just drink." She said.

"So... I'm telling you. I'm sorry." She continued.

I didn't reply because I didn't know how to. It wasn't Anna's fault for making me wear the skirt yet I loved the way she picked my outfit yet people thought I was a slut. Which I really didn't feel very comfortable...

When we arrived to my house we both sat there in silence. All the suddenly Anna wouldn't shut up about being sorry about the fucking skirt.

I looked at her and the tears in my eyes. I wanted to tell her wasn't her fault yet no words were falling out of my mouth.

"Look if you have nothing to say to me I completely get that. I can leave you alone if you wa-" I finally shut her up when I went over the console connecting our lips.

I felt a feeling come over in my stomach. Almost has if fireworks were exploding in my stomach.

When I realized what I did. I parted from her and quickly got out of the car and running into my house.

"Cass! Wait!" I heard has I ran up to my room.

I stopped at the mirror looking down at myself.  I took my skirt off and putting sweatpants on. I started to tear the skirt in half with some scissors throwing it on the ground.

After that I broke out into a sob and went down leaning against my bed. I put my head in my knees just sobbing.

"Cassidy..." I heard seeing my door open.

My hands were shaking. My entire body was shaking when I realized I was having my panic attacks.

Sure I had social anxiety but I've rarely ever had a panic attack.

"Hey... Cass look at me." I heard as I shook my head no.

I felt her hands push my legs down forcefully. I tried putting them back up but she didn't let me.

She started to put my arms around her neck.

"Can you wrap your legs around me?" She asked as I did.

She put us on the bed making me lay on top of her. My panic attack was still going yet it started to calm down slowly.

"Cass deep breaths." Anna said as I noticed her breathing with my head on her chest.

I tried to follow her breathing. It just barely worked but it made my breathing start to slow down.

"There you go..." she whispered.

She started to want to sit me up. She pulled the sweatshirt and shirt off of her.

"May I have permission to take this off of you? I want to put you in some comfier clothes." She said.

She asked permission... she asked if she could undress me in not some sexual way.

She was patience with me even though I took a long time.

I nodded and she started to take the sweater I had and the button up shirt. The bra I had on she never noticed because she didn't look. She stared at either my face or somewhere else.

She got her sweatshirt that was still on the bed. She started to slip it on me and it was soft on the inside of the sweatshirt. Hers was a white one.

"You comfy?" She asked me and I nodded.

She reached for the remotes and turned the tv on. She than turned my LED lights to low purple and gave me my remotes.

"Where's your phone?" She asked me and I reached for the ground when she stopped me.

She got it and plugged my phone in setting it on the desk. I felt her wrap her arms around me making me look at her.

"You don't like that? I don't have to-" she started to panic.

"No... it's okay." I said and she nodded in relief.

"Thanks..." I mumbled and she looked at me and nodded.

"No problem... it's what I'm here for right?" She asked me and I shook my head no.

"I'm not using you... your my friend..." I said and she smiled.



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