Soulmates // Peggy

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You and Peggy were spending another evening drunk together, talking about silly things and just having fun together

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You and Peggy were spending another evening drunk together, talking about silly things and just having fun together. "I just want to have one great love in my life time. Ofcourse I've loved people before, but I just know there is a soulmate out here for me. Like I can just feel it." You say and Peggy chuckles. "You can just admit I'm your soulmate." Peggy says with a chuckle. "Yes you miss Carter are my soulmate from now on." You say laughing.

"Look I know you don't want me to go on this mission, but I have to

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"Look I know you don't want me to go on this mission, but I have to. It has to be done once and for all. Besides I have been on dangerous missions before. I will always come back to you Miss Carter. No one else but me can keep up with your antics anyway." You say with a chuckle. "You're lucky I love you." Peggy says, knowing that you'll never feel the same way about her as she does about you. You've been friends for a long time, but the both of you never dared to speak about your feelings for one another.

Peggy was guidig you on the mission and eventually she didn't hear you anymore

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Peggy was guidig you on the mission and eventually she didn't hear you anymore. "(y/n)? What happened?" She asks, but hears nothing on the other side. "(y/n)?!" She asks getting more scared by the second. "I'm sorry Peggy. I'm happy I found my soulmate in you before I go. I love you.." You say before the line goes dead. "(Y/n)? (y/n)!" She says breaking down...

Peggy has been sitting next to your hospital bed for 2 weeks and her waiting finally paid of

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Peggy has been sitting next to your hospital bed for 2 weeks and her waiting finally paid of. "How did I get here?" You ask after you've opened your eyes a couple of minutes ago. "The men you saved brought you back to me. You've been here for two weeks." Peggy says, happy that you're finally awake. "I guess the universe just wants me to annoy you for a little longer." You say with a chuckle, making her laugh as well. "You can't scare me like that anymore (y/n). The thought of living without you was the worst and it made me realize something important." Peggy says and you give her a quesioning look. "I don't want to regret the things I never said, so I'm just going to say it now... I love you and I have ever, since we've been friends. I was just so afraid you wouldn't feel the same way and I didn't want to ruin our friendship, but I just want you to know that you are my soulmate." Peggy admits and you smile at her. "What?" She says anxious for your answer. "I have been waiting for this for so long. I love you." You say with a big grin spread across your face. "Can I kiss you?" She asks looking down at your lips and you nod. She closes the gap between you and your lips collide in perfect unison...

I wrote this really fast, so it's not the best. But I hope you liked it <3

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