More than a friend // Maria

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"I think that would look good on you

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"I think that would look good on you." Maria says showing you a dress/suit on her phone. "I don't know Maria. You know I'm not confident enough to wear something like that." You say looking at the picture. "I'm sure no one would be able to keep their eyes off you the entire night." Maria says smiling. "Yeah cause I probably look like shit." You say with a chuckle. "(y/n/n). Trust me. You would look amazing in it... Please just wear it for me then." Maria says. "Okay I'll think about it." You say with a sigh...

~A couple days later~

You and Steve are standing on the other side of the room and you're joking around a bit

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You and Steve are standing on the other side of the room and you're joking around a bit. Maria turns her head as she hears you laugh, a sound that is like music to her ears. When she turns around to look though, she sees you having fun with Steve and she starts to feel a little jealous. She knows you and Steve get along really well, but what she doesn't know is that you only think of Steve as a good friend. Maria on the otherhand starts to feel like more than friends to you...

 Maria on the otherhand starts to feel like more than friends to you

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"I hope you like it, cause I feel really uncomfortable in this." You say with a chuckle when standing in front of Maria. "You actually wore it! I told you you'd look amazing in it." Maria says smiling. "I don't know." You say looking down, blushing at Maria's comment. 

"She looks beautiful, doesn't she?" Steve asks Maria, while walking over and wrapping an arm around your waist. "Yes she does." Maria says not even glancing at Steve, but only keeping her eyes on you... 

~The next day~

"(y/n) left on a mission with Steve Rogers

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"(y/n) left on a mission with Steve Rogers." Fury said on the phone to Maria. "I thought you always sent (y/n) on missions with Wanda or Natasha." Maria says. "Right. But this time Rogers said he could use (y/n)'s help." Fury answers. "Ofcourse he did." Maria mutters...

~A week later after you came back fromt the mission~

"So you and Steve huh?" Maria says after you came out of the shower

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"So you and Steve huh?" Maria says after you came out of the shower. You didn't expect her to be seated on your bed so you were caught of guard. "What about me and Steve?" You asked confused. "Oh come on (y/n) it's obvious he likes you." Maria says. "No me and Steve are just good friends... Why are you so worried about me and Steve all of a sudden tho?" You ask with a confused look on your face. "I'm not... I was just wondering." Maria says looking down. "You know you don't have to worry, right? You'll always be my favorite agent." You say looking straight at her with a smirk. You can see that Maria is trying to keep in a big grin from showing on her face, but she can't help but smile at your comment... 

~The next day~

"What are we doing here (y/n)?" Maria asks

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"What are we doing here (y/n)?" Maria asks. "Well I thought I'd go and do something fun with my favorite agent." You say with a big smile. Maria looks around, taking in the wonderfull environment. "It's beautiful... Do you come here often?" Maria asks you. "Yeah I do. It's my favorite spot to relax and just get away from everything and everybody." You reply with a chuckle. "I know about it now tho." Maria says raising her eyebrows. "I know, but I don't need to get away from you. I love being around you." You say with a kind smile. "You do?" Maria asks smiling and you nod yes...

You're sitting against a tree next to Maria and you're just chatting like you always do. "Were you jealous about me hanging out with Steve?" You blurt out and Maria looks at you not answering immediately. "I just know something is bothering you and I want you to know that you can always talk to me about it." You say looking at her, your faces only inches away. "I... I just get jealous when I see you and Steve together, because I know I'm never going to be more than just  a friend to you unlike steve." Maria says looking down, afraid to make eye contact with you. "I only want to be friends with Steve, but what if I want to be more than friends with you?" You say after lifting her chin up, making her look at you. You both look at eachother not saying anything. Maria's eyes go up and down from your eyes to your lips. You lean forward a bit, but pull back quickly, because you're still insecure. Maria sees you leaning forward and pulling back. She cups your cheek and pulls you towards her, pressing her lips onto yours...

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