47: Un-X-pected Shock

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The day following Boxing Day, the holiday high seemed a little mellowed out.

Kitty went off to visit her parents, as promised, and she had seemed happier since.

Other than that, it was pretty mild.

"I'm afraid we need to make another shopping run," Jean said. "The holiday feast does not last long with so many people. Even with two less."

"When are we just going to buy in bulk?" Shine sighed.

"We do buy in bulk," Wally said. "We just transport it ourselves."

"Yes...that," Shine said.

"Ah, lighten up, Sugar," Rogue said. "Ya can take that vacation just as soon as the others get back."

"I could use one also," Scott muttered, joining them. "But it's my turn... Jean?"

"Yes, I know," Jean said. "But I think we should leave the kids at home. Moira will want to spend more time with Kevin, so..."

Jubilee was not interested in going to the stores while it was so cold anyway.

"Well, that means we don't have to stop at the mall," Shine said.

"But I like the other stuff," Wally said. "Oh, well...just get more espresso."

"Thanks to you, we have to buy that in bulk also," Scott said.

"But think of all the labor he saves you," Shine said. "Surely it balances out."

Scott had no comment.

"Post holiday blues must be hitting him," Shine said. "Or is he just back to normal? I can't tell anymore."

"Shine, please," Jean said. "Let's just go. I have to make dinner tonight. It would be best to get an early start."

"All right, but, Jean, again, if you'd just let us help you more, it wouldn't be such a load..." Shine argued as they headed for the garage.

"My, my," Emma said. "Actually leaving the house? I think I'll join them."

"Yeah, I'm sick of being cooped up too," Morph said. "What about you, Mystique?"

Mystique looked up. She was reading again...apparently enjoying her vacation from chores.

"I don't see what I get out of it when I don't shop," she said.

"I thought you'd say that." Emma walked out the door.

Mystique frowned.

"Fine." She got up.

"You really don't have to just because she said that," Morph said.

"No, I just want to annoy her," Mystique said. "And don't say get a life."

"Wasn't going to." Morph shrugged.

For one of their outings, it was a small group, even so.

Along the plaza that they shopped at, they got out.

"Of course you all can do whatever," Shine said. "Just remember not to get into any trouble without letting the rest of us know. Emma, you do have a com-link now, right?"

"I can't imagine I'll get into trouble," Emma said. "But yes." She tapped it. "One thing I almost really can't get over is how no one has a cell phone."

"They don't even work that well," Scott said. "Why would we want one?"

Shine laughed oddly. "Oh...for a simpler time..."

"Hey, I'm with you," Wally said to Scott. "When I first saw a post-2010 cell phone, I thought I'd seen some alien device."

"There are some crack theorists who'd probably agree with that theory," Shine said. "But sadly, the only way to know would be to go to Area 51, and that didn't go so well."

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