16: Colossal X

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It was fun, going around as a group.

The last stop was the Empire State Building.

Somehow, Wally convinced Shine to come to the top with them after all.

"What a view," Jubilee said. Heights didn't bother her.

Ryan looked squeamish.

Kevin, who had no idea of danger whatsoever thanks to his power, tried to climb up on the railing and nearly gave Shine a heartattack. They had never heard her scream quite like that.

Kevin got down in a hurry.

"I guess we can see the whole state from here," Rogue said. "Maybe that's why they call it the Empire State Building."

"The Empire State is the nickname for our state of New York," Hank said.

[Yes, I had to Google that...who knew?]

"Come on Shine, you gotta check this view out," Wally said.

"No," Shine was leaning on the wall of the elevator structure.

"Come on, I got you," Wally grabbed her arm and put his arms around her torso. "It's awesome."

Shine reluctantly came closer to the edge, she looked a little dizzy.

"Wow," she said. Appreciatively. "It is pretty beautiful."

"Y'all outta see the view from the top of the Statue of Liberty," Rogue said

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"Y'all outta see the view from the top of the Statue of Liberty," Rogue said.

"Did you know that used to be red?" Shine said. "It's green now that the copper oxidized, but personally, I always felt it was more patriotic looking that way somehow. Which is odd, since green is not on our flag, but...army colors, I guess."

"We could head that way," Hank said. "Though I do not know if the observation deck will be open now, but we'd have to cross water."

"Is all vright, this is fine," Kurt was hanging on the railing, since no one else was up here. "This is the tallest building I have ever been on."

"The tallest building most people will ever be on," Shine said. "I guess people have never stopped trying to reach heaven by building towers, they even call it a skyscraper. Makes me wonder how high Babel got before they stopped building it."

"I thought you were supposed ta be scared," Gambit said. "How is it you still pull out random facts."

"Why do you think I'm distracting myself?" Shine still looked decidedly nervous. "I suppose my fear isn't crippling the same as some people's, I mean...I don't get faint. But I feel nervous, sweaty, and unable to move freely. Funny how a little thing like changing altitude makes us feel so small."

She looked up. "Looking at the sky don't have the same effect. Or being in a plane. You know what it is? It's because climbing or standing, you feel as if you are holding yourself up, and there is nothing else. But in a plane, or on the ground, you feel something else is holding you. It makes a huge difference."

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