17: Un-X-ployed

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The day after Colossus arrived, the X-men tested him out in training. He did well.

And this prompted Xavier to ask all of the teens if any of them wished to try training to be X-men.

"We have talked about it, and I think all mutants should know how to defend themselves," he said, "and have fighting suits to aid their powers. If you should wish to join the X-men eventually, we could consider that, depending on how well you do."

"I'd like to," Ryan said. "But my mutation isn't really useful...it's just weird." He sighed.

Xavier didn't argue that.

"Learn to fight?" Kevin wasn't so certain. "I don't know if I want to hurt people."

"Perhaps, but consider what happened to young Trinity," Xavier said. "There is no telling when such a situation may present itself. And if you want to protect people, Kevin, you must train to use your power with restraint, or next time it may kill someone."

Kevin took that seriously.

"Me?" Kitty looked up. "I don't know if this whole X-men thing is a good fit for me. I mean, if it'd help me gain control, I guess I could train a little."

"You will want to learn self defense," Scott said.

"I guess that's true," Kitty said. "But I don't want to get beat up by any older, power-happy recruits either."

"We start off against robots before we train with each other," Xavier said. "And they are perfectly safe, with the proper supervisor. You'll work with one of us first, then, if you're ready, you can arrange for solo training."

Kitty shrugged. "Sure. I guess that's reasonable."

Jubilee mimicked her behind her head at Ryan, who tried not to laugh.

"I already train," Jubilee said. "So do I get seniority?"

"Well, I was going to ask if you'd like to help oversee it," Xavier said, "since you have been with us for a while now, and perhaps someone their age showing them the ropes, as it were, would be useful."

"Sure," Jubilee said. "It'll be nice not to be the rookie anymore."

Kitty shot her a look. "So I have to take cues from her?"

"Is that a problem?" Scott asked.

"No," Kitty said flatly. "I just don't know if that counts as 'adult' supervision. How safe are these robots?"

"You think I can't handle it?" Jubilee said.

"I would feel better if an adult were there." Kitty shrugged.

"What, you need a babysitter?" Jubilee said.

"Enough," Scott said. "It's reasonable for Kitty to want one of us senior members present also. Jubilee, you can help her in the scenario while we watch, how about that?"

"Terrific," Jubilee said dryly.

After they broke up the meeting, she complained to Ryan.

"Now I have to babysit that snob! I mean, I don't mind Kevin so much, though he can be scary, but you hear her--she thinks I'm an idiot! Well, sorry I'm not a college student at 14! But geez!"

"I thought she was 13," Ryan said.

"I think she turned 14 a few days ago," Jubilee said. "Something about her parents calling to wish her a happy birthday. She's just a kid."

"Well, I don't know, Jubilee. I was 15 when I came here," Ryan said. "My birthday was last month, remember?"

"Well...yeah, but you weren't a brat," Jubilee said. 

X-Men: 2nd RedemptionsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon