43: X-between

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After Thanksgiving, Mike and Anne wanted to discuss doing some kind of Christmas-themed outreach for mutants.

The Way always did one for needy kids anyway, but they thought they could expand it.

Jubilee was actually all about that idea...and surprised when Shine recommended that they put her in charge of gathering toys and clothes, etc. Along with Trinity.

"What? You're a natural with the kids," Shine said. "And I'm going to be super busy planning the Church's special service for mutants, so I have my hands full."

"Okay..." Jubilee said.

Of course they needed adult supervision, but Nancy, Caleb's sister, offered to drive them around and stuff. She was on Christmas break anyway.

So was Trinity's brother, Will, and he agreed to help also. Trinity was actually thrilled to finally have him hang out with her new Mutant friends.

Nancy and him also seemed to hit it off, mutual interests, perhaps. Such as watching their younger siblings and becoming interested in the whole mutant thing.

Trinity's family always did the charity donation thing every year, and she knew neighborhoods to go to where people tended to be more interested in giving. 

But Will, who was studying business in college, said that maybe they should see if any shops were interested in donation. "Aren't there some around who put up mutants welcome signs?" he said. "I bet they'd be part of this. If it's through the church, it's tax deductible too. More people will do something if they think they get something out of it anyway."

"Not really the holiday spirit," Trinity said.

"Well, sis, not everyone is Christian about it," Will said. "But help is help."

"I think it's a good idea," Jubilee said. "Ryan, Kevin, you coming with us?"

"Sure," they said.

"Should we ask Kitty?" Trinity said. 

They were discussing it in the living room at the time.

"She's Jewish--she's not going to come with us," Jubilee said.

"She might be Jewish, but this is for charity," Trinity said. "She's still a mutant.... Maybe it'd hurt her feelings if you don't ask her."

"I think she might be right," Ryan said. "Kitty will just be a buzzkill if she comes, though. She'll probably talk about the economy or something."

"Well, that doesn't sound so bad," Will said. "Kitty's a smart kid."

"Too smart." Jubilee rolled her eyes. "But fine, let's ask her. It'll be our good deed for the day."

"You stop at one?" Nancy said. "That's a little small."

"Kitty!" Jubilee just yelled at her up the hall.

"Jubilee!" Storm walked in. "What have I said about using your inside voice? We do not yell for people in this house. You'll scare the kids."

"Sorry..." Jubilee gestured sheepishly.

"Storm!" Rogue flew in, yelling. "Billy done set somethin' on fire in the backyard. Can ya come put it out?! Lickety split!"

"What? What did he...?" Storm raced out the door.

"What did he set on fire?" Ryan asked.

"Ya know that kid," Rogue said. "I think he was tryin' to make his own campfire. Somebody forgot to tell 'im ya have to clear the grass out of the dirt before ya do that."

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