5: Un-X-pected Turn

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After following Psylocke for half a day, the team realized that she must, in fact, be heading to the place they knew Magneto to be hiding out.

"Chalk one up for whoever said it was him," Wally said.

"Unless someone else moved," Rogue said humorously.

"Problem," Gambit spoke up. "What if dere is a whole army dere? Even all of us might not be enough."

"Oh, I'm, like, half an army," Wally bragged. "And you guys are the other half, so we'll be fine."

"Well, Sugar, if ya let your head get any bigger, we could use it as a hot air balloon," Rogue said. "You got no idea what kind of mutants Magneto might have. Maybe ones like you."

"Not a mutant, first of all," Wally said. "They couldn't have the speed force."

Shine was tapping her chin. "Do you think I overstepped by deciding to let Psylocke go on my own?" she asked randomly. "I've been wondering about it. It made sense at the time, but...perhaps I was unfair to all of you. You could have handled it, right?"

"I was going to save this for when we got back, but I did think you could have asked us," Storm said. "But it's done and berating you for it is not going to change it. Besides, at such times making a judgment call is difficult, and any of us could have made the same one on our own."

"I guess that's true," Logan said. "But we are supposed to be a team."

"Should you really talk?" Gambit asked.

"If everyone's goin' to get on my back about it, then it's only fair if it's hers also," Logan said.

"Well, de way Gambit see it, if you make up for it by helpin' us track her, all's fair," Gambit shrugged. "But next time, ask."

Shine nodded. "I'm...not used to having to decide things with more than one person, I admit. Or having people who I even remotely trust to make wise decisions. I'm sorry if I do not act like it."

"At least ya realized that on yer own," Logan said.

"Yea, it's fine," Wally said. "Even on my team we have that problem sometimes. It just happens when people are used to working on their own. Anyway, it might not be a bad thing. I still think maybe you were right. Her creeping on our minds would have been scary. So you can either say you overstepped, or you can say you just know all of us well enough to know that we'd eventually agree with that decision. Depends on how you want to spin it."

"That sounds like anime logic," Shine said. "But I'll take it."

[Ever notice how many seemingly bad decisions in anime are reworked with that reinterpretation logic to seem good?]

The thing was put to rest after that, thankfully. The X-men now trusted Shine's intentions enough to think she would not have disrespected them on purpose.

And truthfully, her and Wally's ability to make decisions their own, while sometimes annoying, did often save the situation, so it was good and bad.

"However," Storm spoke, "I think it would be best if we all worked as team from here on. This mission is going to be dangerous, if indeed Magneto is the threat. And there is one thing--we do not know if he knows that you are humans. But...I am afraid he might kill you on sight if he did. So perhaps we had all better agree to keep that between ourselves."

"If he has Mystique, he would already know," Logan said.

Kurt sighed. "Just vonce, it vould be nice if meeting my mother did not have to be because she vas doing something vrong."

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