32: X Shards

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"You were shattered?" Shine said. "I have no memory of this."

"Why would you have any memory of it?" Frost asked.

"Oh, I remember--in the movie she got cracked," Wally said. "But she wasn't British in the movie."

"And I don't think she's the same Emma Frost either." Shine looked at Emma long and hard. 

"Who are you people?" Frost asked. "I don't understand. You have to explain, now. How did you know where I would be?"

 She frowned warily at them.

Mystique, rubbing her head, sulkily sat in one of the seat and crossed her arms and legs like she had no intention of helping.

"Before we tell you, please tell us what happened to you," Shine said gently. "That might determine what's the best info for us to tell you first."

"But I don't know," Frost said.

"Well, Emma--can I call you Emma?" Shine asked. "I feel weird saying Miss Frost."

"No one calls me that anyway, so do whatever you want," Frost said.

"Well, then, Emma, what is the very last thing you remember before the hideout?" Shine asked.

"I told you...shattering," Emma said saltily. "I remember nothing after that. I suppose my mind was too shattered to have memory or consciousness. My diamond form is virtually indestructible, so there is a possibility it survived somehow, alive, even in pieces. But how could it be put back together? I can't answer that."

"Me neither," Wally said. "Nothing I can remember. Shine?"

Shine tapped her chin. "I can think of only one thing: When I researched mutants, I did find out there was one who could sense jewels. If your form is truly diamond, is it plausible they could find all the pieces of it?"

Emma tapped her chin. "It's not implausible," she said. "But why would they?"

"Well, obviously not to get jewelry out of it," Shine said. "I'd guess, if so, they'd be hired by someone else. But there's also devices that could likely do the same, like a metal detector but for diamond, maybe. After all, all stones have their own frequency; it's not impossible... What year are you from?"

"Specifically? I believe it was 2014...or 15." Emma frowned. "It's...a little unclear."

"A little earlier than me," Shine said, "but later than here, for sure. You are currently in the 1980s."

"What?" Emma looked horrified. "I'm in the 80s? " She said it like it was  distasteful word.

"That was our reaction too," Wally said. "But it's actually pretty cool here."

"I was a child in the 80s," Emma said.

"So who wasn't?" Wally said.

"What happened to you to shatter you?" Shine asked Emma, more to the point.

Emma became guarded. "It's not really important. Some fight I was in..."

"It wouldn't be that easy to just break diamond like that," Shine said. "Who could you have been fighting? Do you remember?"

"No," Emma said.

"She's lying about that," Mystique said offhandedly.

"I know," Shine said, just as offhandedly.

"What? Why, you... How dare you!" Emma said.

"Clearly she doesn't want to tell us," Shine sighed, sitting in a different chair. "Let's leave it for now."

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