23: The X Conference-2

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The predictions that the worship time after the speaking would last until the wee hours of the night came true.

It was amazing that people wanted to stay that long after the disturbance earlier, but they didn't seem afraid.

Most of the X-men didn't want to stay that long, Scott and Gambit especially.

"Figure anyone who want to cause trouble, woulda by now," Gambit said.

"Are you staying the whole time?" Morph asked Shine.

"Oh, sure, this is nothing," Shine said. "Though if it pushes past 1 am, I'll have to call it a night. We have more speaking tomorrow. I don't know how worship leaders do it."

"Worship must be like coffee to them," Wally said.

[Fun fact: Worship activates the brain, according to neuroscientists. So it very well could act like coffee to some people.]

"Coffee helps," Shine said.

"I think I need to go home," Storm said. "I feel a little...overwhelmed after all that."

"You really did great," Shine said seriously. "You have a gift."

"But I really don't think I deserve any great credit," Storm said. "I didn't even really know what I was doing, I just told my story."

"That's all there is to it," Wally said. "Really, I never heard it all out loud like that. It's amazing."

"Yeah, I learned a few things," Rogue said. "I guess we don't know ya as well as we thought."

"True," Gambit admitted.

Only Xavier had not been surprised by any of it.

"You all really didn't know?" Storm was surprised she had never told them.

"Gambit knew about de Shadow King, but not de rest," Gambit said.

"I knew about the worshipin' and stuff," Rogue said, "and control of yer powers, of course."

"I knew the rest, but not about yer parents," Logan said. "That must have been rough."

"Oh." Storm looked somber.

"I've heard a pastor say that the amount you're able to tell your story is the amount you're able to heal," Shine said. "I was going to ask this tomorrow, but we may be staying here overnight, so I'll ask now--do any of the rest of you want to share your stories? I think they'd be amazing."

"Oh...no," Rogue said uncertainly. "It ain't very inspirin'."

"How is it not inspiring?" Shine scoffed. "Your story is amazing."

"Yeah, you used to be a villain. Now you're a hero." Wally gestured. "And you got someone else's mind yanked out of yours--that's a story."

"Not one I'm sure the world is ready for," Xavier said.

"Oh, you shut up," Shine said to him. "You haven't had the guts to tell the world you're a mutant, period. You shouldn't talk."

"I have kept it a secret for a reason," Xavier said. "To work for our rights."

"So you say," Shine said. "I think I see why you and Erik get along so well...and why you can't see that he is nothing but a dirty hypocrite."

"Mrs. West, please, do not insult him," Xavier said. "You just don't know him like I do."

"I know a rat when I see a rat," Shine said. "And that is the end of that. No more arguing about this, Charles. It's just the truth."

She huffily turned. "Leaving aside unpleasant subjects; Rogue, I really think you'd be well received, but it's up to you. Logan's story would be amazing also."

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