8: The Fastest X-odus

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Logan and Kurt rushed to help Storm before someone else could attack.

Storm was crying silently, but not, it seemed, with fear.

"I did it..." she said in a strange tone of disbelief.

Logan hugged her. "Yeah," he said.

"It vas a miracle," Kurt said. "But I fear ve may have to celebrate it after this.... Vhen did the Professor get here?"

They all looked up.

The Professor was talking to Magneto, but Logan sniffed. "That's not the Professor," he said in a lower voice. "What's he doin'...?"

* * *

Morph had managed to imitate Xavier convincingly enough to distract Magneto for this long, with the usual jargon about settling things peacefully.

He wasn't sure what he as waiting for, maybe just a lucky shot.

Meanwhile, Mystique had snuck back to retrieve the gun and avoid getting crushed by the other Mutates... There were far less now--the X-men might actually have won this fight if it was based on just skill alone... It was just that all of them were now tired, and there were still Mutates just waiting to get their shots in.

They'd been smart enough not to all rush in at the same time, because one lucky shot from Storm or even Gambit could have taken out their whole troop. But forcing them to do it in steps made the most use of the Mutates having more players to work with.

Mystique figured this out a little late but didn't much care. As long as this idea worked, it would not matter.

Finally she found her gun. Now, if Magneto just went down this time for longer... They'd have to be quick.

It'd be easier if there were cover.

Rogue got swatted into the rock in front of Mystique. The timing was opportune.

Mystique jumped in front of her and pressed her com-link. Imitating her voice, she said, "Storm, we need some mist, right now."

"Hey, what are you doin'?--" Rogue began. Mystique covered her mouth.

"All right," Storm's voice came. "If you ask."

A moment later, mist rose up from the ground.

"What was that for?" Rogue shoved Mystique's hand away.

"Quiet, Rogue. I'm helping you," Mystique said.

"Does that mean helpin' all of us, or just me?" Rogue said narrowly.

"Depends on whether you want everyone to get out of this alive," Mystique said. "My wagon is hitched to yours right now. Don't screw this up."

She looked at the mist. "Well, he'd better not have moved."

She fired at where Magneto had been.

Right in the middle of Magneto saying something about "invasion", he suddenly was blasted back again.

Morph, ready for this signal, quickly dove after him and shoved him down.

Magneto didn't expect him to be so strong and began to grasp for metal.

But Logan had caught on to this idea now, and, using his nose, he shot through the mist and landed on Magneto, hitting his helmet hard with his claws.

This stunned him enough for him not to use his power for a moment.

"Rogue," Mystique said, suddenly, "now would be a good time to go 'borrow' Magneto's powers."

"Hey, where'd they all go?" the Mutates were saying.

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