19: X-ulting in Praise

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[Decided to try something a little different for this chapter. The idea is sort of a day in the walk for the Christian characters, a little closer look at their world and perspective, without the others distracting it.

Feel free to skip it if you're not interested. Otherwise, this ought to be unique. Looking forward to trying it myself.]

Shine woke up to worship music coming on as Wally was getting up and ready for his morning run.

Shine sat up.

"Today is the day," she said.

"Yep," Wally said.

They'd talked about needing to do this and finally had settled on today.

It was the middle of a busy week, but they and Kurt had elected to devote one day to recharging and focusing on God instead of their usual activities.

Kurt did this anyway, but he was going to be joining them...later.

But they'd agreed together to start the day off that way also.

Both of them had an affinity for slightly older (though here they'd be futuristic) worship songs, so that was the cassette Wally had inserted.

What to say Lord...it's
You gave me life,
And I can't explain just how much You mean to me now.
That You would save me, Lord
Give all that I am to you
Every day I could be a light
That shines Your name

Every day Lord

I learn to stand upon your word
And I pray that I
I might come to know you more
And You would guide me in
Every single step I take
That everyday I could
Be a light unto the world

Every day, it's You I live for
Every day, I'll follow after You
Every day, I'll walk with You, my Lord
Every day Lord

Shine was singing along while she got out her Bible for her morning devotional/prayer time.

Shine was not the most organized person. She tended to do it at whatever time she felt she could fit it in, and she alternated between Bible reading, listening to teachings, just worshiping, or praying, or sometimes just taking a walk and contemplating on things. She thought if you obsessed about what it was exactly you did, you missed the whole point.

Wally? He liked to fit it in while running or doing something else. It was hard for him to just sit and focus on one thing. He didn't mind that so much if he had someone else to join him, but he got distracted easily on his own. Usually he joined Shine when she did hers or joined the group.

They both knew that Kurt would be totally the opposite of them. Because of his time at the Monastery, he believed in discipline and repetition.

He always got up and did things in the right order and with a reverent spirit and solemnity that wasn't like their more American and perhaps charismatic-influenced ways.

But that was fine. It worked for him, and he seemed to get a lot out of it. And he didn't insist on them doing it that way in order to take them seriously. They each had their own methods that seemed to help them concentrate.

* * *

After spending the first part of the day doing this, Shine and Wally joined Kurt and the handful of others who agreed to participate in this in the garden inside.

X-Men: 2nd RedemptionsΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα