Chapter 8

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3rd person's POV
"This isn't how it was supposed to go..."

Marcy hesitated, and stared at her with worried eyes, while Anne clenched her jaw and squeezed her eyes shut.

"I'm so stupid,"

Marcy quickly went to her side and comforted her.

"No, Anne, don't say that, it's not your fault."

Marcy tried to catch her eyes, but Anne wouldn't meet hers.

"Why don't you just leave me?" She said, sounding harsher than she intended to.

Marcy glanced at the floor before looking at her.

"Because I care about you too much to leave you here in pain,"

Anne didn't know if it was from her sadness or something, but she felt her stomach flip and she ignored the feeling but met the other girls eyes.

They both felt something in their hearts when they did but refused to acknowledge it.

Marcy tried to give a reassuring smile, but it ended up being more awkward, which made Anne chuckle a little.

The raven-haired girl sighed in slight relief at that before grabbing Anne's hand.

"See, there's that laugh I love."

Anne glanced down at their interlocked hands with adoration in her eyes, but she quickly forced herself to look at Marcy.

"Um... I know you like Sasha and she left but, hey she seemed mad, so maybe she's jealous and she likes you?" Marcy said hesitantly.

She didn't like the idea of Sasha liking Anne, but if it's what cheered her up, then she'd be happy too.

Anne blushed and said. "You think so?"

"She'd be crazy not to like you," She said honestly.

They locked eyes and Anne felt her heart flutter, and she leaned in, Marcy was really hoping she'd close the space, and she did, but with a hug.

"Umph." She said, once Anne put her arms around her in a hug.

She smiled though and hugged her back.

"Thanks, Marcy, this is why you're my best friend."

Marcy grimaced slightly at the word, and it slightly dampened her mood, but she still didn't know why.

Anne pulled back, a little too soon for Marcy's liking, but her smile made her feel better.

"So should I go after Sasha?"

"Just... give her time." Marcy said, already wanting to move on from the Sasha subject.


It went silent but Anne looked at Marcy, before leaning over and pecking her cheek which made her flush red.

"Thank you."

Marcy met her eyes and stammered but cleared her throat and said. "It's the least I could do."

To be continued...

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