Chapter 5

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3rd person's POV
It was the day after, and they had invited Sasha over, and she still hadn't arrived, they were both nervous but mainly ready to play their part.

They sat on the couch in silence as they both tried to keep calm, Anne doing a better job at it.

Marcy bit her lip before glancing at her, and the brunette felt her eyes on her.


Marcy quickly averted her eyes once she realized she was caught, but she decided to respond to her question.

"Did you tell Sprig we're not—"

"Oh, that, he doesn't know, I kinda forgot to tell him."

"Oh... okay,"

It went silent but Anne turned to her with a grin.

"Well, at least we know Sprig won't mess it up since he thinks we actually are dating,"

She said nothing, only nodded. A knock on the door made Anne get up giddily, which Marcy didn't fail to notice. So why was she sad then? She knew the only reason they were doing this was because Anne liked Sasha.

She sighed but quickly put on a smile once the door opened and Sasha walked in, before closing the door.

"Hey, why'd you guys invite me over?" She asked confused.

Anne and Marcy's eyes locked, they hadn't rehearsed this part, but maybe if they did rehearse it like they did their kisses then they wouldn't be silent.

"Uh... Can't we all just hang out without any reason?" Marcy spoke with a unsure smile.

Sasha stared blankly for a second but smiled.

"You're right, sorry."

Anne sat down next to her, and Sasha sat down next to Anne.

Marcy frowned at that, and glanced around the room, already knowing that Anne would be fawning over the blonde.

You'd expect Anne's eyes to be on Sasha's since she liked her, but that wasn't the case this time, instead her attention was on the upset raven-haired girl.

She nudged her with her leg which forced Marcy to look up and meet her concerned eyes.

"You okay?"

Marcy melted on the inside, and she had felt a little better now that she had Anne's attention, but the knowledge that her attention would soon be on Sasha after kind of made it hard to be fully nonchalant.

"I'm okay,"

"You can talk to me, you know?"

"I know, but I'm fine."

Anne didn't believe her but only nodded and turned to Sasha, which made Marcy shake her head.

Anne wouldn't understand why Marcy was sad, and she can't tell her without it making it seem like she liked her.

Sasha had seen the little interaction, but didn't know what to make of it, since she was oblivious to what was going on.

She jolted once Anne turned towards her but the brunette only smiled.

"Scared, Waybright?" She joked.

She scoffed playfully and said. "You're about as scary as a kitten."

"Hey! I can be scary if I want to!"

"Sure you can." Sasha said sarcastically.

They just stared at each other for a second before bursting out laughing.

Marcy watched but tore her eyes away, feeling a sense of sadness well up inside.

Sasha and Anne really were meant for each other, they get on so well.

After their laughter died down, Anne turned towards Marcy, seeing her spaced out.


She looked up and said. "Huh?"

Anne leant in, trying to see her better which only made Marcy blush, which the third girl didn't fail to notice.

Anne gently touched her face which made it harder for Marcy to stay upset at her, because it was clear she cared and didn't know why she was sad.

"Are you alright?"

Marcy held her breath before looking back into her eye and back to her lips, which Anne noticed but didn't mind.

"I am, at least now that you're here." She joked.

Anne broke out into a smile before letting her go which made the other girl slightly sad.

Sasha went to speak but a certain tadpole had entered the room while looking at Marcy and Anne.

"No way! He was right, you two really are dating!"

To be continued...

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