Chapter 2

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3rd person's POV
Marcy forced those thoughts away and focused on Anne.

"Okay... you're so smart for suggesting this actually, because I know it's gonna be awkward when we kiss—"

"Hold on, what? Kiss?!"

"Yeah, how else is it gonna be believable?"

Some part of Marcy wanted to believe Anne just suggested it because she wanted to kiss her but she knew it was for Sasha.

"Oh, right."

It went silent as Anne tapped her foot anxiously.

"If you don't want to, you don't have to—" The brunette said.

"No! I'll do it!"

Anne looked up startled by how eager Marcy sounded, and she also noticed as an embarrassed blush made its way on her face.

"Sorry, I just didn't want you to think you're forcing me, since I'm fine with it, really."

Anne slowly nodded before getting closer to Marcy, which made her gulp.

The brunette wrapped her arms around her neck, almost as if she knew what she was doing, but in reality, she really didn't.

Marcy hesitated but leant it, and once their lips brushed, she froze, and Anne didn't expect for her heart to actually flutter.

It's just practice.

She didn't know why she had to remind herself, but she did.

They kissed, it was hesitant, but they soon melted into it, Marcy was grinning while Anne tried to hold back a smile.

They didn't know why they liked kissing each other, it was just practice, nothing more, nothing less, right?

But before they could pull away, they heard the door opening and a sharp gasp.

To be continued...

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