Chapter 4

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3rd person's POV
They had spent some time just relaxing, until Anne glanced over at Marcy with curious eyes.

"Can we practice again?"

Marcy met her eyes but soon looked back down.

"Yeah... but only if you want to, of course!"

Anne leant over and said. "I want to, what about you?"

She felt the tips or her ears reddening and she said. "I do too,"

This hadn't been apart of what they had to do, they only had to kiss once for practice, but they found themselves kissing again, not knowing why.

The brunette smiled and leant in to the kiss, as Marcy met her there.

And as their lips grazed against the others, they already knew this kiss would be better than their first, and they were right.

Everyone always made such a big deal on first kisses, but they were pretty sure second kisses were better, you actually know what you're doing, and they unknowingly put love into the kiss.

They soon pulled away as Anne opened her eyes, only to be met with Marcy's closed ones as she saw her lips curling up.

Once she opened her eyes, she smiled more at Anne's grin.

Marcy's smile faltered though once she realized why they were even kissing in the first place, for Sasha Waybright.

She leant back into the seat, before closing her eyes, which confused Anne.

"I think we're ready to fool Sasha tomorrow."

To be continued...

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