Chapter 7

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3rd person's POV
Polly did so without any hesitation, and now it was just the three of them.

It was silent, uncomfortably so, Sasha couldn't believe what she had heard.

"How... How long have you two been dating?" Sasha asked.

Anne tried to search her eyes for any emotion, but Sasha didn't give anything away, instead she just tapped her foot impatiently.

Marcy bit her lip before glancing at Anne.

"Not too long—"

"How long ago is not too long, huh?" She said, letting a bit of anger slip through her voice, but she quickly composed herself.

The raven-haired girl looked down before looking back up.

"We just started dating yesterday."

"Hmph, see, that wasn't so hard." She said, trying not to sound bitter but it was clear she was.

Anne and Marcy glanced at each other, they've never seen Sasha so monotone but emotional at the same time.

"Um— we told you right away—"

The blonde turned on her heels and said. "Congrats, but I gotta go."

She slammed the door on her way out, they weren't sure if it was intentional or not, but it probably was.

Anne frowned as she sunk back onto the couch, and buried her face onto her hands.

"This isn't how it was supposed to go..."

To be continued...

It's Supposed To Be Temporary Dating (Marcanne)Where stories live. Discover now