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Walking into school I didn't feel like I was gonna have a panic attack. I felt good.

I finished my whole apple and felt good about it. I felt free when I was with Cain, it sounds weird seeing as we only met yesterday but he makes me feel calm. I haven't been severely anxious when I'm around him, especially today.

As we walked to class we talked about random things, I learned that his brother goes here, and how Cain plays football. We talked about favorite movies, favorite shows, and music. He avoided the question of food which I was thankful for, the way he reacted with my apple this morning tells me he knows something.

Walking into home room I took the seat next to him as we continued to talk.

"Ok, how do you not know Green Day? Literally everyone knows Green Day!" I exclaim

"Well I know a few of their songs. I think." Cain says

"Name one." I say

"Uhmm." He says

"O mijn God." I say

He laughs.

"I'm gonna make you listen to Green Day now." I say shaking my head

"Holiday! That's one of their songs right?"

"Yeah actually." I say

"Ha! I told you!" He says

"You named one." I deadpan

"You name some then."

"Holiday, Jaded, Brain Stew,  Basket Case, When I Come Around, Boulevard of Broken Dreams, American Idiot. Shall I continue?" I ask

"Ok, ok you win." He says

I smile.

"Ahem, you're in my seat Azrael."

I look up and see Elliot standing in front of Cain.

"I think you can find another seat, Bakker." Cain says

"I think you can move your ass." Elliot says

"I think you should back the fuck up before my whole size thirteen is up your fucking ass-"

"Cain." I place my hand on his shoulder

"Seriously Finnick? You're now buddy buddy with this asshole?"

"First of all you're the one who came over starting problems after I told you to leave my alone at school, second he's not an asshole you are. Find another seat Elliot."

"Is this seriously what we're doing now?" He asks

"Leave." I say

Elliot walks to the other side of the room and plops down in a seat. He stares in our direction and I realize he and Cain are staring each other down.

I place my hand on Cains clenched fist.

"Ignore him, ok?" I whisper

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