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I pack and see Jin waiting in the doorway for me. I ask stoically, "Where is Seulgi?"
He mutters quietly, a hint of shame in his voice, "She's taking a shower. Are you leaving because of her? I don't want to drive you away."
I sharply snap, "I'm leaving because I never should have stayed here in the first place! The media is correct that a woman shouldn't live with 7 men as if she is Snow White and the 7 Dwarves. I am moving out because I need to for work. I am moving out for me, not because of her. I wish you luck with her. I truly do. I hope the relationship is better this time round and that she doesn't betray you like before. I'm just a phone call away if you ever need me."

I give him a hug, and he asks, a hint of worry and upset in his voice, "Where are you moving to?"
I reject his question, "I'm not telling you because we can meet at work or out in public. Yoongi, Hobi, and Kookie know, and that's enough for now. I have to go so I can get back for the furniture arrival. Goodbye, Jin."
He asks me, upset now, "Were you going to tell us?" I shake my head and leave the door. I take a deep breath as I get in my car and drive away. I pull up at my house and take everything inside.
I cry as I get in before finishing painting my bedroom, and I am working on the study when the furniture arrives. I let them in, and they start setting everything up in the respective rooms.

*BTS at work once Jin arrives*
Jin throws his bag to the corner of the practice room and stalks up to Yoongi and Hobi. He growls at them, "You knew! You both knew, and you didn't say shit! You fucking stayed there last night, Hobi, and didn't think to fucking tell anyone where you were, so we knew you were safe! Why the fuck didn't you tell the rest of us?! How are we supposed to keep each other safe if we aren't all together? How are we going to protect her if she doesn't fucking live with us? How can we stop her from getting with guys who will just use her if she doesn't live with us so we can meet them first?! She's your fucking sister Yoongi!"

Jungkook asks quietly, "Hyung, what are you angry about? What's happened to noona? Has someone hurt her?" His voice is laced with concern.
Tension rises in the group as the uninformed try to grasp the straws of concept for what Jin is so angry about. Hobi stands in front of Kookie protectively. They can all see that Jin is emotional and irrational. Namjoon frowns, Jimin and Taehyung are confused and upset, and Jungkook cowers back under Jin's rage.

Yoongi spins Jin round to face him again and seethes harshly, "Be pissed at me, be pissed at Hobi too if you want but don't take your anger out on Kookie. Yes, Yunmi is moving out, and last night she was there decorating. Hobi went to stay with her to get away from us. Hyung, you need to back off and remember your place. You are her friend, not her brother or lover. It's not your job to protect her. It's mine. We have cock-blocked her long enough, she needs to start dating, or she will be a 40-year-old virgin! It's not for you to veto her boyfriends. That's my job. If you want to boss a woman around and stop them from seeing other men, then go find Seulgi!"

Jin looks at him, shocked, and just shakes his head as he walks out. "You 2 need to stop this fight. It's hurting BTS and your own friendship!" Namjoon warns Yoongi. He sighs heavily and adds hastily, "I understand it, hyung is hurting Yunmi by trying to keep her close but not protecting her, and I agree that he needs to let her be. Is it true, though? Noona is moving out today, and you knew?"
Namjoon can't hold back his upset as Hobi nods. Jimin sniffles and whimpers shakily, "I need to hear it from noona." Tae tearfully echoes Jimin's sentiment.


I receive a call from Joon and answer it. "You're moving out, noona?" He sounds upset.
I answer softly, "Yes, Joon, I have to as part of the artist contract. I shouldn't have lived with you all for as long as I did anyway, so it's a bit of a better late than never situation."
Joon asks, upset and quiet, "Were you going to tell us?"
I answer lightly, "Once it was all done and set up tonight, yes, but not before because it's not something you can stop happening. I wanted it to be something everyone could be excited about."
He asks, "Where are you moving to?"

Stay - BTS Jin FFWhere stories live. Discover now