Walk away

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( this imagine is really sensitive toward myself. And their is a part two I think which is titled meet again ).

He was the boy you loved. You'd do anything for him. You saw a future with him. Getting married. Having kids. Buying a home.Buying pets. Growing old together. But it was sad to say everything was changing. As soon as jack went on tour. It was fine the first few months. But he started getting busier. And you started getting sadder. You'd try texting him serval times but he never replied. Sometimes he would leave you on open. You tried calling but he never picked up.

You cried the first few weeks. Before getting used to it. You didn't text anymore. Not call. You didn't even expect the texts and call back anymore. You grew tired of waiting for them every night. You'd see him post on social media and instead of liking the picture you would just scroll past it now.

For months you started to feel those feelings fade away. But something was still there. You didn't know If to hate him or if you still loved him. You were frankly confused. You felt like you couldn't breath in both yours and his shared apartment. Everything around you made you feel that heavy feeling in your heart.

You found yourself looking for your own apartment. And to be surprised you found a beautiful apartment miles away from the ones you shared. You didn't bother telling jack. Because he wouldn't bother picking up the phone. So you wrote a letter instead.

Dear jack.
When you see this I will be in another house hold. Don't bother calling or texting love. I will not pick up. Don't blame yourself. It was I that no longer felt the same. I will keep in touch. Maybe not today. Or In 2 weeks or 2 years. But if fate brings us together again my love. Then I will be back. I realized I couldn't function right without you. Making me realize I was my own person who needed to find who I was when you were Gone. And living alone without you here didn't help. So I moved out. I will be fine jack. Just take care of yourself. I will always have love for you. Until faith brings us together again. See you around.

You cried as you wrote the note. But it's what you had to do. You didn't feel like you had a boyfriend. Even thou you did in fact hate doing this to yourself and him. Because just picturing him reading it made you sick to your stomach. But you couldn't stay In a relationship that made you feel so alone. So you left. To find parts of yourself you needed to find before you were in a relationship

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