1. Best friends since childhood

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You and jack had been best friend. Ever since childhood. You two were inseparable. You did things together. Played video games. Sleepovers. You'd adapted each other's characteristics. Like you'd know when one of you was upset or hiding something. Unlike you. Jack was more harder to read. He'd always act so happy. But you knew it was an act for the most. You'd known him to well to believe the act he put up with his family and close friends. Considering gilinsky was also his best friend. You'd often brought it up to gilinsky and he'd say the thing you've been thinking about all this time.

It pained you to see your best friend going thru whatever he's going thru. You wanted to help. You did. But he never brought up his feelings. Not to anyone. He found it as a weak thing to do. It broke your heart to imagine him hurting. You loved him to much.

One day. You and the jack's were in a party for the celebration of GONE being such a success. Gilinsky looked like he was having the time of his life. But on the other hand Johnson was drinking. A little to much. Then it hit you. You didn't know if it was anger or sadness in you.

" Why are you like this ?! "  you suddenly scream over the music.

" what are you talking about ? " he said calmly.

" acting like nothing is wrong ! Can't you see I wanna help you jack ! You're my best friend I hate seeing you like this ! " you slur.

" that's the thing. I'm just a best friend
to you. "  he takes another shot of whiskey and walks away.

You watch him walk away for a few minutes. Before it hits you. Jack has feelings for you. Your heart fluttered. You soon took a shot of whiskey. The one jack left behind. And ran after him. It was hard to catch up with wearing heels and all. You took them off and left them on the dance floor. You soon saw jack outside smoking a cigar.

" seriously? Jack what the hell is wrong with you ! This isn't you ! Stop making this so hard for me , I'm trying to understand you. Please make me understand " you say with several tears coming out.

" you remember back in freshman year ? " he slowly begins to say.

" how could I not it was the worst year of my life " you giggle a bit. Making him laugh.

" remember that trip when we sat together ? And I kissed you. "

" yeah. Of course I remember. It surprised me a bit ".

" that day I realized I saw you more than just a best friend. I realized how beautiful you were. From that day to now. I've holded on to my feelings and let them destroy me slowly. I thought I was doing myself a favor by pushing you away that my feelings would go away but I did myself much damage because I couldn't handle not being around you. I'm in love with you y/n. I always was. I will always be. Even if it's not mutual. " he says as he takes a drink of his beer.

I take the beer from his hands and connect his lips with mine. It felt so right. I could feel my heart beating out of my chest. And I suddenly pulled away.

" I have always loved you jack Johnson. "

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