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What was one word that jack felt when he was with you.


When you looked at him with your big brown eyes it made him weak to his knees. When you looked at him it made him feel all woozy. When you laughed or smile he felt like he was on something. Because something about you felt so appealing to him. Like he couldn't stop being around you. You were the person he Always came back to. And he knew he was addicted since he first layed eyes on you. It was at a club. You were sitting down taking a shot. While you watched your friends dance around with guys. While you seemed so uninterested by just being there. That's when he spotted you. You were across the room from him. He knew it then that he had to go talk to you. He chugged his shot and gave the cup to gilinsky. He sat next to you and played it off like he was buying a shot. He then choose to make up a conversation.

❝ you seem thrilled to be here " he smirked as he took his shot.

❝ my friends made me come here , I don't really like social places " you smiled at the attractive blonde.

❝ what's your name love ? " he smiled.

❝ y/n and yours ? " you took another sip of your drink.

❝ my name is jack " he winked. Making you blush.

❝ well jack. You are quite different unlike the rest of the men in the club not once did you ask if I have a boyfriend or if I wanted to hook up with you. I'm quite surprised " she smirked.

❝ I wasn't here for any of that. Frankly I came here to ask for your number. I saw you from across the room and was instantly drawn to you. "

❝ if you wanted to impress me you have but since I got along well with you I'll be happy to give you my number " you smiled as you asked the bartender for a paper and pencil. Writing down your number. And handing it to him. He then put it on his pocket and took out a hand. You looked at him confused.

❝ may I have this dance my lady ? " you couldn't help but blush.

you are full of surprises jack "

And he knew right there. When you stood there in awe. That he was hooked. And would soon become addicted to you and would be high on the thought of you.

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