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Season 3, Episode 15-17

Walk on Water

Drowning on Dry Land


Some Kind of Miracle

Some Kind of Miracle

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Mark and Webber opened the doors to the ambulance the second it stopped outside of the hospital and were faced with a paramedic, the patient, and his friend.

But no Laura.

"Where's Allen?" the Chief asked while they helped move the patient.

"She went to help another person on the ferry," the man said. "Search and Rescue went to find them, but told us to go ahead."

"All right then," he simply agreed. There wasn't much else to do, she would probably come with one of the next ambulances. "Sloan, I'll send her to scrub in when she gets here."

"Thanks, Chief," Mark said, already pushing the gurney to the OR with a nurse.


Meredith had almost drowned and the doctors were working on her in a trauma room. Derek and Mark were sitting in the hallway, worry filling both of them. Derek was obviously terrified Meredith would die. Mark on the other hand, while worried for that as well, was also anxious considering Laura still hadn't returned. The surgery was over and she still wasn't there. And considering what happened to Meredith, he couldn't help but let his brain conjure up all kinds of scenarios, each worse that the last.

All of the interns, save for Meredith and Laura, stood looking through the window of the door into the trauma hallway. They hadn't been allowed to enter and all they could see was Derek and Mark sitting on the floor outside the room Meredith was in.

They were all terrified their friend wouldn't make it through this. 

But then, as if fate truly had it out for them, things became even worse.

"Move!" Callie called as she and Jack wheeled a gurney towards the trauma rooms. They were running and their faces were pale and panicked. 

The interns quickly scrambled to let them past, assuming it was just another patient from the accident, but froze when they saw the patients face.

Laura Allen.

"Oh, my god," Izzie gasped.

It was difficult to see the severity of her injuries, but it looked bad - there were burns on her arms, bleeding cuts all over, and blood was coming out of both her ears.

Callie and Jack were forced to stop the gurney, when the interns stopped them.

"What the hell happened?" Alex asked. He felt like he couldn't breath, like a cold hand had seized his lungs and cut off his air supply.

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