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Season 3, Episode 8

Staring At The Sun

Staring At The Sun

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"Hi, this is Luke Matthews. I can't answer the phone right now so leave a message and I'll get back to you."


"Hey, it's me. Guess I missed you," Laura sighed. "I just wanted to say good morning," she tried to put on a cheerful tone, but it was hard. "I'm leaving for work in a few and I'll be there all day so I won't be available 'till tonight. Um... I miss you and I hope you have a good day. I'll talk to you later, okay? Bye, Luke."

She hung up and let out a groan, running a frustrated hand through her dark hair. She didn't know what to do. They were both trying to stay in touch and talk, but they kept missing each other. With the time difference and work hours, they realized that what they'd been so worried about was happening - they were drifting apart. 

And yet, neither of them were saying the words out loud. They didn't want it to end. They agreed to try and that's what they were doing. If they didn't work out, they didn't work out. But they weren't throwing in the towel until they knew for sure - until there was nothing more to fight for.


"Today's the day, people," Meredith said energetically as she entered the locker room. "Today is the day when dark and twisty Meredith disappears forever, and bright and shiny Meredith takes her place." She didn't pick up on the somber vibe between her friends as they stood around George, and continued chatting. "You're probably not gonna wanna be friends with me anymore because the sheer intensity of my happiness is gonna make your teeth hurt. But that's okay because life is good. Life is good," she smiled contently and Laura almost wanted to laugh at the hole Meredith was digging herself further into.

After receiving no response, the blonde finally turned around and saw that something was wrong. "What's going on?"

"George's dad got admitted last night," Izzie spoke up.

"Oh, my god. Is he okay?"

"Oh, no, he's fine," George said, looking at his fathers chart.

"He passed out, hit the floor and fractured his clavicle," Laura explained.

"His clavicle's fine. Callie said it's going to be fine," George continued firmly, not capable of dealing with anything but his dad being fine.

"Are those his AM labs?" Meredith asked, looking over his shoulder.

"Yeah, complaining of severe abdominal pain," Alex said.

"He doesn't have peritoneal signs," Cristina spoke up. "That's good."

Bailey entered. "Has anybody seen..." She trailed off when she saw the culprits with the stolen chart.

"I was just looking at it," George scrambled to hand it back to her.

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