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Season 1, Episode 1

A Hard Day's Night

A Hard Day's Night

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That's what she'd always strived for - always been encouraged to strive for.

In preschool, she built the biggest sandcastles, with moats and everything. In primary school, she read at the highest level, already being recognized by the teachers as a gifted child. In middle school, she discovered a talent in some of the STEM classes, and was for the first time encouraged to consider a career in medicine. In high school, she was elected valedictorian, and got into the collage she'd set her sights on. For medical school, she left Chicago and went to Yale School of Medicine, graduating top of her class. Now, she was beginning her residency at one of the best teaching hospitals in the country.

And today was the first day.

She wasn't the only one though. No, her and the other interns walked into the OR, where the Chief of Surgery, Richard Webber, began speaking.

"Each of you come here today hopeful, wanting in on the game. A month ago, you were in med school being taught by doctors. Today... you are the doctors. The seven years you spend here as a surgical resident will be the best and worst of your life. You will be pushed to the breaking point. Look around you. Say hello to your competition." 

All the interns did as he said, briefly letting their eyes scan over the people around them. Some looked nervous, others put on an intimidating display, not letting any vulnerability show. 

"Eight of you will switch to an easier speciality," he listed. "Five of you will crack under the pressure. Two of you will be asked to leave. This is your starting line. This is your arena. How well you play, that's up to you."


Now in the intern locker room, they had changed into their scrubs and new white coats, ready to begin their first shift.

A doctor was reading up names, and showing each group to their resident. 

"Only seven women out of 20," a blonde woman observed.

"Yeah," another one agreed. "I heard one of them's a model. Seriously, that's gonna help with the respect thing?"

"If it helps, she probably won't last long," a third woman joined the conversation. The two looked at her. "Laura Allen," she introduced herself.

"Nice to meet you," the blonde woman nodded, before looking to the asian woman. "You're Cristina, right?"

Before who Laura assumed was Cristina could answer, the doctor spoke up again. "Patton, Monroe... come here."

"Which resident are you assigned to?" Cristina asked them, pulling her hair back. "I got Bailey."

"The Nazi?" the blonde woman, who had to be either Izzie or Meredith, asked. "Me, too."

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