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Season 2, Episode 13

Begin The Begin

Begin The Begin

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"Ahh!" Laura screamed and fell off the couch she'd been sleeping on. She'd gotten home from work in the early hours of the morning and didn't bother with changing and going to bed. She'd just collapsed on the couch as soon as she'd gotten home.

You wouldn't think sleeping on the couch would be very comfortable, but she'd been exhausted and slept like a rock. 

At least until she'd been woken up.

"Happy birthday!" her menace of a brother spread his arms out with a big grin on his lips.

"Ugh," she groaned and got up from the floor, returning to the couch.

"Laura, it's your 25th birthday, you should be excited," he laid down on top of her, basically crushing her.

"I'm too tired to be exhausted."

"Aw, is little Laurie tired?" he asked in a baby voice. "Does she need a nap?"

"She needs two, now get off," she shoved him off the couch.

"Now is that a way to treat your loving big brother?" he asked in mock offense.

"Yes," she got up and began moving around the apartment; turning on the coffee machine, finding a pair of clean socks and shoving what she needed for the day into a bag. "What are you doing here, anyways? Don't you have classes?"

"I got a few days off to come see you," he trailed after her, munching on some chips she had no idea where he'd gotten.

"Well, I have work," she stopped to look at him. "And I'll be late if I don't leave soon."

"I come all the way from the other side of the country to see you and I don't even get a hug?" he whined and dramatically flopped down on the couch. "I don't feel very loved."

She sighed, but did walk over to stand behind the couch and wrapped her arms around his neck in a hug. "I am glad you're here, you know?" 

"I know," he patted her arm.

She stood up. "I really have to go though, so what are you gonna do while I'm out?"

"Mm, probably just hang 'round here, might head out and do some touristing."

Laura chuckled at his choice of words. "Have fun," she put on her coat and gave him another quick hug as goodbye. "See ya tonight."

"Bye," he called after her as she walked out. "Try not to kill anyone!"

She just waved an arm behind her and closed the door.

She turned around and saw Maude, an older woman who lived a few doors down and had probably heard what her brother yelled.

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