Chapter 2

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A couple days later I was moving into the compound and I knew Bucky offered his help but I didn't want to bug him. My room was down the hall from Morgan's since my duties would consist of getting her up and ready in the morning and ready for bed at night. I was unpacking a box when there was a knock on the open door and I looked to see Bucky standing there.

"Hey." I said and he smiled.

"I thought I told you to ask me for help." Bucky said and I chuckled.

"You did but I had it handled." I said and Bucky huffed a laugh.

"Where is little monster?" Bucky asked.

"Napping." I said and Bucky nodded. I sighed and then looked at Bucky.

"Can I ask you a question?" I asked and he huffed a laugh.

"Of course." Bucky said and I sighed.

"I only know you, Morgan, Tony and Pepper and I don't want to bug Pepper and Tony. Do you think you could take me around and introduce me to people?" I asked and Bucky smiled and nodded.

"Of course, shouldn't a problem. When did you want to?" Bucky asked.

"After Morgan wakes up?" I asked and he nodded as he looked down the hallway.

"Well incoming." Bucky said and moved out of the doorway since Morgan ran in the room and jumped on my bed.

"HOLLY!" She yelled and threw her arms around my neck and I picked her up.

"Hey munchkin." I said.

"I'm so happy you're here." She said and I looked at Bucky oddly and he rolled his eyes.

"Nannies have come and gone within a week or so recently." Bucky said.

"How many exactly?" I asked.

"9" Bucky said and my eyes bugged out of my head.

"I'm number 10?" I asked and he sighed with a nod.

"Can I asked why?" I asked and Morgan giggled.

"Because of Grumpy Uncle Steve." Morgan said and Bucky tried hiding his laugh.

"Morgan..." Bucky said and she hid her face.

"Grumpy Uncle Steve?" I asked and Bucky sighed.

"Come on, let's go introduce you." Bucky said and I put Morgan down, she took my hand and we headed out of my room and I followed Bucky down to the main sitting room where everyone was. I noticed a room full of people and I got a little nervous.

"Bucky..." I said and she looked at me.

"It's okay doll, they will love you." Bucky said. I smiled and blushed when he called me doll.

"Hey guys." Bucky said coming up to the group. They all instantly looked at me.

"Guys this is Holly Adams, Morgan's new nanny. She wanted to meet everyone." Bucky said and I smiled.

"Hi guys, figured I should at least introduce myself since I'm living here now." I said and they all nodded with a smile.

"Hey, I'm Sam."





They all introduced themselves and I smiled as they did. I then noticed him...Captain America. He stood up from where he was sitting and starting to approach me.

"Steve, play nice." Bucky mumbled.

"Hi Uncle Steve." Morgan said and he smiled at her.

"Hey sweet pea." He said and then started circling me. I laughed at him.

"Something funny?" Steve asked as I watched him.

"Yeah, what the hell are you doing? Nesting like a dog does?" I asked. Everyone hid there laugh. Steve instantly stopped and looked at me annoyed.

"Excuse me? Who do you think you are talking to?" Steve asked annoyed.

"Someone who is clearly trying to intimidate me. I know I'm the tenth nanny and I'm starting to understand why. Just so you know....Captain....I don't scare easy." I said getting close to his face as I watched it tensed up.

"Do you worst." I said and then backed off. I looked down at Morgan.

"Okay missy, let's go get a snack and then go outside, it's so nice out." I said and she started jumping up and down and as we walked away. Bucky looked at Steve.

"Think you can back off this one? Morgan loves her Steve." Bucky said and he looked at Bucky

"And you have a crush on her..." Steve said and Bucky shrugged.

"We are friends, I was the first one she met beside Tony and Pepper. Listen, you don't want to be nice fine but don't take it out on the innocent nanny who doesn't know what happened to you. You ever think maybe she has a past too?" Bucky said and walked away.

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Later that night after I got Morgan to bed I was laying in bed reading when there was a knock on my closed door. I opened it to see Pepper standing there.

"Hey. Come in." I said and she smiled.

"I just wanted to check on you." Pepper said and I looked at her confused.

"I heard Steve tried to intimidate you today." Pepper continued and I huffed a laugh.

"Yeah key word being tried. Nothing Steve can do it's going to scare me or push me away. Why does he hate nannies so much?" I asked and Pepper sighed.

"It's not that he hates just nannies, he hates anything new." Pepper said.

"Well I'm not going anywhere Pepper. I love Morgan and I love it here." I said and Pepper smiled and pulled me into a hug.

"I am so happy to hear you say that. You really are a blessing." Pepper said as we broke apart.

"Have a good night." Pepper said and walked out. I got back in bed and leaned against the headboard going back to reading for a little bit longer. As I was about to go to sleep I realized I was thirsty and wanted some water so I headed down to the kitchen to get a bottle of water. When I walked in I saw someone sitting at the table and I sighed.

"Don't worry, I'm just getting a bottle of water." I said to Steve as I walked to the fridge. Steve didn't say anything and just watched me. I grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge and then an orange from the bowl on the counter.

"Good night Rogers." I said and went to walk out.

"Ms. Adams, a word?" Steve asked. I turned and looked at him.

"If you wouldn't mind, it's late and Morgan likes to wake at the crack of dawn." I said and Steve groaned.

"A word." Steve said standing up and I groaned. I walked back in but didn't sit at the table I sat on the counter and started peeling my orange.

"Listen, I don't know you and you don't know me but I will get to the bottom of who you are." Steve said and I huffed a laugh.

"Are you implying I'm here for any other reasons than to take care of Morgan?" I asked annoyed. Steve didn't answer the question and just seemed to ignore my question.

"What an ass!" I said hooping off the counter, throwing the half-peeled orange at his head and left the kitchen holding back my tears. Steve wouldn't even give me the benefit of the doubt. I got back to my room and feel against the door and cried. 

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