Chapter 34

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Sun rays woke Zeb up, as much as her body ached in a good way she needed to wake up, the night before was different. The connection she felt was out of this world and it made her feel closer to Lewis. She thought of when he teased her in Cavril's office, the man could make her wet just by looking at her. A smile appeared on her face making her push herself out of bed only to be pulled back by her waist, when she turned she was met by a sleeping Lewis, he looked like an angel and that made her smile with pride that this man was hers. She removed his hand gently and went straight to the bathroom. When she was done cleaning up she decided to put on Lewis's t-shirt and some hot pants, she hummed a song as she went to the kitchen only to find Kline on his laptop. "Kline! OMG! What are you doing here?", she said full of excitement as she rushed to him and pulled him in a hug earning a laugh. "I am the one who had to deal with your idiot's meltdown", "Am sorry about that", she said sincerely. "Hey! he can be a handful sometimes, no need to apologise ok?", he assured her. She went on to make them breakfast which Kline devoured in two minutes making Zeb smile. She prepared Lewis's plate and served it, the minute she poured his coffee he entered the kitchen. "Good morning Kline", he didn't wait for a reply, he walked towards her with a smile, kissing her forehead and whispering a good morning, the act made her feel shy, she was still not used to showing emotions in front of other people well in front of Zack and Zoe was ok. "Good morning Lewis", she replied and felt his hand squeezing her butt cheek making her feel shy. "I think am gonna puke", Kline made fake puking noises making Zeb laugh. Lewis sat in front of his breakfast and finished just as fast as Kline making Zeb chuckle, "See, you're just a slow eater Zeb", Kline told her, she didn't reply just went on eating her food quietly as the Brothers continued to talk about Kline's project.

"This place is amazing Zeb", Kline complemented as they walked into her restaurant to keep her company while she finished her pending orders so that her team would only do decorations and delivery the following day. One thing that Zeb always made sure to do it help her team especially when they were having flooded orders, so that was what they were currently doing. "Kline stop eating that cake, what if it's a customer's cake you idiot", Lewis smacked his Brother on the back of his head but he didn't even move. "It's ok Babe, the customer's cakes are usually kept in the fridge", Zeb smiled. A few extra muscles and cake bribes later the Brothers were sitting in front of the kitchen bar watching Zeb make them t-bone steaks. She was so focused in her zone that she didn't see Lewis stealing fried potatoes from their plates, by the time she was done his plate was empty so she had to make more. "You're lucky I love you", she said and kissed his cheek giving him a new plate of potatoes. All the time Kline was busy eating in silence, the smile on his face made Zeb happy and reminded her why she chose the career she was in.

"Where is Lewis's bff?", Kline asked the moment they entered Cavril's club, it had become Kline's favourite place, he loved music and said that women in that club were more hands on to his liking. "Now this is more like it", his deep voice came from behind them making her smile. "Cavril, not today, we just want to have a good time ok?", she said in a teasing voice. He lifted his hands in surrender and smiled at them. To her surprise, Lewis and Cavril were actually talking. And it made her happy that they could get along without her having to worry about anything. "He has changed, It's all because of you", Kline told her and held his glass up in appreciation. "Kline, when do you plan on settling down?", "Who said I haven't?", "Everyone", she replied and they both laughed. "I will, once I find the woman that can match my energy", he replied with his eyes trained on the dance floor, Zeb followed his eyesight and there was a blonde looking at him biting her lips. He forgot about her and literally ran to the dancing floor making the blonde smile and wrap her hands around his neck. "He's crazy am telling you", Lewis told her as he sat next to her, trapping her between his legs. "I just hope he finds what he is looking for", "If he even knows it", Lewis replied with his head in the crock of her neck.

Zeb felt the sheets being lifted and her sleepy mind refused to wake up, then came the tickling feeling on her stomach and it kept going down, her legs were parted and that made her open her eyes. She was alone on the bed, or so she thought, her legs were held firmly on the thighs and a tongue swept her pussy making her moan, only one man could make her feel that way. She smiled and decided to enjoy the ride. It didn't take long for him to emerge from the sheets, licking her juices from the corners of his mouth and the sight made Zeb crave more. He was about to enter her when a fire alarm started going off making them cover up quickly and rush to the kitchen only to find Kline trying to get rid of the smoke from the pan that he was holding. "Seriously man!", Lewis whined while Zeb rushed to help him clean stuff up. "Sorry, I wanted to come and ask for breakfast but then you guys were busy", he shrugged his shoulders as if it was the most usual thing in the world. Zeb couldn't stop laughing while Lewis just walked back to their room leaving the two alone in the kitchen. "Doesn't he get tired of sex?", Kline asked and before Zeb could answer Lewis shouted from their room, "I don't". They heard a door slam shut making them laugh a bit more. Zeb made breakfast for him and retired to their room where she found Lewis on the phone with the kids. "Hi guys!", she said happily. "Hi, Mama!", "Hi, Mum!". She let them continue to tell their Father about their day as she went to take a shower. Lewis and Kline were leaving together and she had to get ready and drive them to the airport.

The only thing that made Lewis grumpy was interrupted sex, the whole ride he was silent and moody towards his Brother who kept apologising every single minute without success. When they saw Brian, Kline rushed to him and told him about the incident making him laugh at Lewis. "Man! I could have paid millions to see your face when you were cock blocked", Brian said in the middle of his laugh, struggling to form sentences. "Shut it, man, you are making it worse", Kline tried to do damage control but it failed, and Brian went on to tell Mia who joined the laugh. Zeb felt bad for him so she pulled him aside and held his face in her hands. "Tell you what...", "It doesn't matter, they will be making fun of me the whole trip". "True. But they won't be in bed with you next Friday", she said wiggling her brows at him. He lit up like an Eiffel tower at night, "Are serious?", she nod her head making him kiss her on the lips and to make things more interesting she grabbed his ass, making him moan in the kiss. "You guys are crazy", Kline replied while going to the departure gate making Brian and Mia laugh.

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