Chapter 24

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Lewis was confused and angry at himself, he could not understand what got into him, how could he allow himself to be distracted like that? he missed how being with Olivia made him feel alive and carefree but he also remembered how he was never enough for her. She always wanted him when something was wrong between her and Hank and he always welcomed her back without a second thought only this time he was not single anymore. And what brought him back to reality was when he overheard one of her friends gossiping about how they stood for Olivia to the woman who wanted to steal him away, making him pull away from the kiss. He had just cheated on her. He tried looking for her but he was told she had already left and Mia told him she found Zeb crying in the ladies' room. He was no different from Wesley. He tried calling her only for the call to be answered by Jonathan and by the way he hang up on him, he knew she was at their house, he just had to make sure he patched things up before leaving.

The house seemed so big without Zeb or the kids, he couldn't sleep, He had messed things up big time. He heard the door open and rushed downstairs to find a tired Zeb walking in still wearing her pajamas. "Babe, am so sorry", he said kneeling in front of her, when their eyes met he saw how puffed her eyes were, she must have been crying the whole night. "Lewis, am tired, I just want to sleep if that's ok with you", she said looking away. "Zeb please", he reached out for her wrist stopping her from leaving. "Zeb, am sorry, I love you", and just like that something snapped and she faced him with anger. "Love? love? when you love someone you don't ignore them because you saw your Ex, you don't pretend to forget your own kids when your Ex questions where the father of your kids is, and you don't fucking kiss your Ex when you are in love with someone, so stop pretending to love me and leave me the fuck alone!" she shouted and threw her phone on his face, that's when he saw the picture, and also saw that Mellisa was the one who sent it. "Babe, am sorry, it will never happen again please, please forgive me. I can't live without you, please", they were both crying at this point, he was not ready to lose her and at that moment he made a vow to commit to her a hundred percent no matter what. He was going to become a better man for her. "Am sorry too, you're sleeping in the guest room, good night Lewis", she said and threw his bag in the hallway. He had never seen her that angry before, she had so much hatred in her eyes. 

They did not speak to each other, or at times he spoke but she didn't answer, she made him breakfast and lunch and even when Brian visited them, she pretended that he was not around and gave her full attention to Brian. He spent the night with them making dinner less awkward and the next day she took them to the airport with not as much as a goodbye.

"You messed it up big time man", "I know, I just don't know how to fix it, I am no different from her abusive Ex, all she wanted was to be loved and I had to behave like a sick puppy when I saw Olivia", "Hey man, I get that you and Olivia have known each other for a while but Zeb is ten times the woman Olivia will ever be, and there are kids involved man, you need to stop thinking about yourself, you're a Father now", Brian said seriously. His words cut him deep, he was being selfish, and he didn't think about the kids, it was so wrong of him. "It just happened, I can't explain it", "You better, because once she decided to dump your ass you will never get another one like her and then Olivia will always take advantage of you", Mia interfered, with a statement that terrified him even more, what if Zeb decided to dump him?, "I have to do something", he told himself.

It had been three weeks since he ruined things and the first thing he did was to block Olivia everywhere. He kept on texting Zeb and trying to call her but all his calls were picked up by the kids and although he enjoyed talking to them he missed her voice, and her laugh, he just missed her. He understood that she needed time but three weeks was torture. 

"Hey man relax", Brian said as they landed, he was nervous to see if she was going to be there to pick him up. As the doors opened, she was standing at her usual spot texting away. He was pulled by the hand of someone who turned out to be Olivia. "Lewis, why have you been avoiding me?", "Olivia let g-" before he was finished someone entered between them. It was Zeb. "Olivia", "Zeb, do you mind?", Olivia said angrily. "I would like to believe that you are not a dramatic woman, otherwise you wouldn't have sent your friend to talk me down", her confidence surprised him but he remained silent. "Let me make it simple for you, if I see you come anywhere close to my Boyfriend and Father of my children again I will tell Hank where his money had been disappearing to, and yes I know you have been stealing from him since the day you started dating, so if I were you, I would stop snooping around in my business and focus on your own, do I make myself clear Olivia?", she asked with a serious face leaving him and Brian shocked. Olivia nodded her head quickly and walked away in a hurry. She turned towards them said hello to Brian and started pulling Lewis's bag towards the parking area. He followed her like a child with Brian laughing at him.

"Lewis!!" the Twins called him with excitement as he walked into the house, the whole ride they were silent, she played her favourite music and drove silently without a care in the world. "Hey guys, I missed you so much", he said and started showering them with kisses, Zack managed to slip away but Zoe couldn't, she kept on giggling making him smile at how much she reminded him of Zeb. "Papa, stop", she said and slipped away. He helped them take a bath and put them to bed, he thought about going to sleep in the guest room but when he got there all rooms didn't have his bag so he went to their room and the door was open so he entered and found Zeb already in bed. The fact that he was allowed in the room was progress and he didn't want to push it. After taking a shower, he got in the sheets and turned on the opposite side only to feel her soft hands hugging him from behind making him relax even more. He kissed her hand wanting to feel more of her. He drifted to sleep, with his mind at ease knowing that he was about to win his girlfriend's heart back.

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