Chapter 26

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The previous night was unique, and Lewis couldn't help but reminisce while smiling on his own as they waited for Mia to board the plane. He was able to mend his family and he swore to himself not to slip up again. "What got you all lovey dovey?", Brian teased. "Zeb and I patched things up last night", he replied with a wink, making Brian laugh. "It's funny how you guys met, you said you were looking for a safe zone and now you are the one who should be worried", "how so?", "Come on man! Zeb is every sane man's dream girl, having her own business, and a well planned life, don't tell me you think other men don't approach her", Brian looked at him with an 'are you serious' face. All this time he never thought of that, jealousy and possessiveness took over him and as if Brian sensed it he said, "Am not saying she will cheat or anything, all am saying is that you need to trust her as well". "I do. I just never thought of other men looking at her that way, I just don't want to lose her", "Hey, everything will be ok, she loves you man, hold on to that." Brian's words were encouraging but he felt insecure. The fact that she was catering to corporate companies and wealthy people made him realise that she might be facing such situations every day but she doesn't say anything because he has never shown interest in her work life that much. What if someone else appeared and lend her an attentive ear, he knew that he always felt better when he told her how long his day was or even when their boss made them do things they never wanted. Zeb needed to feel like she could tell him anything, and thus he had a plan, to make sure that when he talked to her, asks her about her day. "Yeah, I'll make sure of it", he told Brian with determination.

The time to initiate the plan had finally arrived, "Hello handsome", she said with a smile on her face when she answered his video call, "Hey Babe, how are you?", "Am ok, just finishing up with a meal plan, we are hosting a birthday party for 50 guests tomorrow, you?", "I don't want to talk about me tonight, so what will you be serving?", judging by the smile that appeared on her face he knew it was a won battle. "Ok. Well, They are kind of famous people so I was thinking of a five course meal, servings will go with different wines but also the portions will be small", "Like how we did on the best birthday anyone has ever prepared for me?", he said with a smile, making her laugh and nod her head in agreement. "Exactly", she replied and continued laying out the decor plan and serving utensils she was going to use. "Have you known this client for long?", he asked with curiosity. "Yes, yes I have, she is like a Mother to me, she was one of my very first clients", she said happily and continued, "I have been making her a birthday cake ever since I knew her and in return, I host her family parties, it's how she claims to pay me back but whenever I send her the bill she'd always add more, I tried complaining but the old lady is so stubborn", they both laughed. "She always tells me am the daughter she never had", "she doesn't have kids?", "She has three boys or men since they are all grown and moved on with their lives, it's just her and her boyfriend", she explained. "What?", He asked in shock making her laugh. He never knew that her work life was that eventful and the conversation made him feel more connected to her. The way her face only portrayed excitement made him appreciate Brian even more. "What time is the  event?", "around seven in the evening but we will start prepping in the afternoon. I have two wedding cakes to deliver by noon", she replied while noting something down, that's when he saw a picture frame on her desk. "Can you turn the picture on your desk?", and when she did, he saw the picture of himself and the twins from the first day they went swimming. "Thank you Babe", he said while wishing he was right next to her to reward her properly, she bit her lip and returned to her writing. He knew she was the one but something just gave him cold feet, and he didn't know how to overcome it but tried forgetting about it for the time being and went on asking about the twins and school. He was happy that they were blending in and there were no complaints from them not having a Father at the school. "Lewis, you are sleepy, we will talk tomorrow ok?", she said with a smile, he had fallen asleep in the middle of the conversation. "Am so sorry Zeb, I didn't do it on purpose, am just tired I guess", she giggled. "I love you, good night", "Have a nice day Love, I love you more". 

He woke up with a boner and rushed to the bathroom when he heard Mia walking into his room, the company had decided to start owning apartments for the flight crews, so the one they were in was a four bedroom apartment. He didn't mind sharing because these were the people that he was spending most of his time. Although he was happy with how things were before, that is staying in hotels, the apartment was more spacious meaning he could invite Zeb now, the things he wanted to do to her in his room are the ones responsible for the boner that he was trying to get rid of at the moment. "Lewis, we are ordering breakfast you in?", Mia shouted from outside the door. "Yes, count me in", he replied and waited until he heard the door shut on the other side, The thought of getting himself off was ridiculous but he had to because the cold shower was not helping, he closed his eyes and pictured Zeb on her knees in front of him swallowing him whole, just the thought and remembering her moans made him cum while breathing fast. He could not believe what just happened because he was always able to control himself when it came to sexual urges and now he was not sure what Zeb was doing to him but he wanted more of her, he needed a getaway with her. After the shower he pulled his calendar and review it to see where they were going to spend longer and shot a text to Zeb asking her if she could leave the kids with her parents on the mentioned dates, when she agreed, he texted Kennedy to make arrangements for her plane ticket. He was going to have his way with her far from distractions and he wanted it to be special.

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