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First person
I stared for awhile thinking about why i was disappointed.

"Hm." Was all i managed to say.

Flair snickered.

She took a step forward and began speaking,

"Cami, see you in a second!" She put up a high pitched voice and did a cutesy wave. She dragged me aside.

"I guess this is finally where i win huh?"

She never won at any game we played.

We used to be friends, but when i got my gift she got jealous that i began gaining more attention than her.

Her perfect blond curls and hazel eyes were adored by many, but when my ghosts appeared more people were interested in talking to their dead relatives.

She became a sick girl who made everything competition. I only wanted peace and let her win.

For some reason, it was never enough for her. She wanted to see me angry.

"I guess." My face stayed calm while my pettiness and anger showed through the toxicity of my voice.

She grew a sly smile, it made me furious. I hadn't a care about her "stealing" Camilo. He was probably forced anyway.

It was her attitude that made me infuriated. Her bratty personality, weeping if she didn't get what she want. A stereotypical story antagonist who was there only to be a menace.

Though her unoriginality was already a slight inconvenience, it was her always coming back, with more ridiculous ideas.

"Y'know, all you'd need is two little gremlin henchmen and you'd be the perfect villain. You have the ugly smile, all you need is power."

Her eyes widen in shock, as i never usually say anything back.

"Whatever! Your just jealous i got him before you could!"

I cringed in embarrassment.

"Not only are you starting shit over a man, but you think im jealous? Id rarely say much, to stop from giving you a reaction, but you need some advice. Stop trying so hard and maybe you'll be good enough."

I turned on my heel and left, leaving a weeping Flair.


"Wait!" Taika saw me walking off and she dragged me to chat.

"I know it looks bad but it wasn't his choice."


"Alma said Flair would be good for him. She's successful and smart. She moved on from you."

"Didnt Camilo tell them off for doing that stuff?"

"I thought he did. I dont know why he hasn't said anything. This happened awhile ago. At least- i saw him talking to Flair back in Asombrosa. Im not sure whats going on... but hey! Its fine- you dont like him. Right?"

I only scoffed.

I only lied to myself because i never liked anyone before. For awhile i just thought it was unnatural for me to like anyone so i thought this was just some phase. Since its lasted for an uncomfortably long time,I suppose I like him.

"I'm not sure. It's complicated."

"Don't go out and make a scene. It's probably only what Flair wants. Just relax and talk to Camilo in private tomorrow."

I sighed and agreed. I simply enjoyed the rest of the party.

At some point i wondered off on my own. I sat down on the green grass and enjoyed the sunset myself.

I heard ruffling noises behind me and turned my head to see Camilo.

I was kinda confused at him. We had nothing between us, so i wasn't exactly mad at him. More disappointed and confused. More mad at Flair.

I guess it was pretty obvious i liked him. I was just avoiding it because i don't exactly like relationships.

Thought I was aroace for so long, turns out i just never met the right person.

"Hey, listen my grandmother made me. Shes scary and intimidating. I wasn't able to stand up to her."

"Weren't you able to before?" I said with an unintentional angry tone.

"Well- not exactly. It was in the heat of the moment," he scratched the back off his head awkwardly, "its more embarrassing to look back at. I should've just stayed calm. It was also the fact they always did that. I'm basically the only son old enough in the family to marry and they- i guess mostly Alma wanted the family to grow. She still has difficulties with trying to be less controlling."

"Cant teach an old dog new tricks i guess."

He laughed lightly.


He shifted uncomfortably as his eyes darted around the area.

"Listen i know its sudden, but it was probably obvious.. i like you."

I only froze. I hadn't expected him to straight up confess.

"I'm not sure if you feel the same, i just needed to get that off my chest."

I looked up at him and lightly giggled,

"W-what? Why are you laughing?"

My giggles turned into loud laughter. I finally stood up and looked up at him in the eyes.

"Listen, I like you too. But it seems we just weren't meant to be. Your probably better off with Flair anyway, shes much more capable of maintaining a family than I am." I smiled and looked down and began to walk away.

Camilo grabbed my wrists, i turned my head back to look up at him,

"I don't want a family- i want you."

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