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omg three chaps in a row

Camilo POV

I took Y/N's hand as i took her to a special spot. I go their any time i need to be alone.

The spot was full of vibrant colors and a small water fall with clear water. Some tree surrounding and a large boulder that i'd normally sit on.

She looked around as she gasped.

"Wow! This place is gorgeous!"

I smiles as i watched her spin around and explore. Her eyes lighting up as she found chameleon,

"*gasp* Look! Its you! Haha!" She said as she pointed to it with a bright smile.

It felt as the world went in slow motion for a second as the wind perfectly made her hair flow around her. Her smile making me smile as she opened her shining E/C eyes and looked back at the chameleon.

She then slowly floated back towards me.

"So, why do you know this place, or like- how?"

"Ehhh- i found it randomly while roaming when i was younger. Teh, i remember i then got lost and wasn't found for days." I laughed and as did Viana.

"What? What about Dolores?"

"Oh- she refused to help find me because the previous day is still one of her dolls." She laughed louder

"Wow! Never would've taken you for a thief!"

We laughed to together.

Soon we eventually sat on the large rock and watched the sun set. I mostly look over at Y/N.

Her hair perfectly around her as she smiled gently while looking up.

"Wow.." i muttered as a stared at her. Maybe i do like her. But i wouldnt know. Ive never really liked anyone like that before.

"Huh- did you say something?" She spoke as she turned to me.

"Oh uh- I- uh- No. I- didn't say- say anything." I spoke idiotically, while scratching my neck nervously.

She let out a mischievous giggle as her ghost appeared back behind her.

"What? Where you staring at me again?"

I instantly blushes full red,


"Eheh, C'mon. You think i don't notice? You make it too obvious." She spoke turning back around, facing the now dark sky, with her eyes closed.

"Oh uhm- sorry i-" "Its fine. Happens a lot. I dont know why." She opens her eyes as her pointer finger goes back and forth hitting her chin as she looked up.

"So, your family. Are you chill with them again?" She said turning her head tilted down facing me, as her knee was up upside down V with her other leg under it, as both her hands held the lifted knee.


"Oh- the ghost told me stuff. For some reason it kept saying it left stuff out on purpose but- most importantly said you guys fought. Are you better now?"

I looked at her with wide eyes,

"Yeah, just abuela Alma that's i haven't quite forgiven yet." I blush thinking that she knows everything now.

"Oh well- i hope whatever you guys were fighting about gets better then. She smiled brightly with her eyes closed.

She doesn't know why we were fighting? is that what the ghosts left out? My question was immediately answered.

"By the way- What were you guys fighting about? If you dont mind me asking."

"Oh- uh yeah it's private." I responded. So she doesn't know. Thank god.

"Oh and by the way- how's your tia Julietas cooking? She hasn't cooked for us yet and Isabela and Mirabel keep saying how she's an amazing cook.

I look over at how smoothly she changed the subject to not get mushy,

"Well i'd say its fantastic. Having a good healer cook was always an amazing blessing."

She laughs but then yawns.

"Sheesh- it's getting late. I think we should head back-" Mid sentence she stopped. As she looked up and held out her hand. Rain drops. I felt it too. 

"Awh, it's raining!" It started pouring as we quickly got up and ran under a tree.

"Is it your mom?"

"I'm not sure- i dont know why she would be raining right now-"

I questioned. But then thought she probably was arguing with abuela about the whole thing.

"Ugh the rains cold- we should just run."

I agreed and we started running. Y/N couldn't fly because when she's tired her flying is too much. So as we ran hand in hand, soaking wet laughing, i looked back at her.

Behind her was a random firework as she smiled brightly with her hair behind her.

I smiled as i laughed and watched.

Maybe i was in love with her.



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