Over Time

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Third POV
Camilo woke up and immediately got ready, he walked down stairs to see everyone already seated eating. He sat in his seat and starting eating as he looked around the table.

"You look a mess." Taika said as Camilo just then had realized she was seated next to him.

"Whatever- do you know if Y/N is available today?"

Taika looked at him with a poker face, "Yeah, she should be. Why? Did you wanna hang out with her? I heard my family wanted to all go out today so-"


Taika finally let an emotion peak through her face, laughing, "Please- ohmygod- yes. She'll be available. All day. You know you two aren't together right? You don't need to be together 25/8."

"Shut up." Camilo uttered quickly as Carmen began speaking. He turned his head quickly.

"Alright kids, Starting tomorrow we will all begin preparing Dolores's wedding. And congratulation my dear for it as well." Dolores smiled then Camilo turned his head slowly, looking back at his food.

He quickly got out of his seat and left to fix himself up more.

Later that day.

"Y/N!" Camilo knocked on her door.

She opened the door and Camilo got nervous his voice shaky as he asked. "Are you uhm- do you wanna hang out today? I have a cool spot we could go to."

"Sure!" Y/N happily agreed. Camilo took her hand and quickly rushed along before and girls could snatch her away.

Only a week. And a week is all it took for Camilo to really miss Y/N.

They sat down in front of a pond, a small picnic.

"Are you mad at me?" Camilo instantly throwing the question in as they finally got comfortably seated.

"No? Why would I be?" Y/N smiled confused.

Camilo seeing Y/N being genuine, he instantly calmed down.

"Right, nothing- anyways i brought sandwiches, strawberries, some jello and," as he took out the toms of sweets from the basket of food, "lots of sweets." He smiled at Y/N while she shined a brighter smile.

"Wow! All my favorites," She picks up a strawberry, "you must've really missed me." She smirked.

"Eheh, nah just thought it'd be nice." Camilo said biting into his sandwich looking down.

"But really, did i annoy you before? Like always hanging out with you?"

"No, stop being paranoid. The girls simply just wanted to hang."

Camilo grew suspicious of the girls ulterior motives, but decided to pester no longer.

They soon finished eating and just sat close to each other, watching the ducks and fishies in the pond. It was a small area. Not very crowded.

"How do you always find these cute hang out spots?"

"Like ive said before- I snuck out a lot as a kid."

Y/N let out a chuckle as she yawned.

"Tired already?"

"Sorry, i stayed up late yesterday helping Dolores with wedding stuff."

"I thought we weren't starting til tomorrow?"

"Yeah but basically everyone started early anyway."

"Hm." Camilo looked down at Y/N, she leaned back her arms resting behind her holding her up. Same position as Camilo. She was gorgeous to him. Her sleepy eyes barely staying open.

"So-" Y/N interrupted Camilos thought as she spoke suddenly,
"How will you be helping in Dolores's wedding?"

Camilo sighed then looked up at the sky, "Apparently im a best man with Taika, so probably picking some suites for ourselves. For actually helping, i'm not sure yet. I think im supposed to invite everyone. How are you helping?" At the last sentence he looked back down at Y/N.

"Oh! Helping Dolores with makeup, decorations, guest placement, after party, food-"

"Jesus- that's a lot- i barely have anything. Mind if i help?"

"Sure! Everyone's occupied so i could definitely use your help." Y/N smiled.

Camilo looked deeply into her eyes as they were inches apart. The tension was there.

Until broken by Jules,

She turned her head, Jules waving at her from across the pond. She froze a bridge and slide her way over perfectly landing sitting in front of the two.

"Dolores and the girls need you! We need to hang some things up on the ceiling and you can fly so-"

"Oh- alright! Sorry Camilo! Duty calls!"

The two left quickly leaving Camilo sitting sad until he let out a small laugh.

"She said duty-"


"Y/N! Thank god your here!" Pepa said as the rain cloud that was above her head disappeared into a rainbow, "Please help us hang these."

Y/N grabbed the decorations and flew up and put them all in there place, taking a bit since it was a lot.

"Could you also put these bouquet of flowers on the walls," Isa hand her a large hanging greenery, "In those cup looking thingies."

Y/N spent until late night helping decorate.

She walked out and soon found Camilo sitting on a bench. She sat down next to him, yawning.

"What a busy day. Five days until her wedding. Whew"

"Yup, basically two whole towns coming. Its a lot." Camilo replied sitting up from resting his arms on his legs, "So- were you alright? thought you were tired."

"Overworked but im fine." Y/N side also leaning back letting her perfect posture flop.

"Very tired though-" She laughed.

Camilo then look up at the stars. Just having a relaxing moment until he felt a heavy weight on his shoulder. Looking over to see Y/N had fallen asleep on his shoulder. Her steady breathing and calm face made him smile.

"G'night." Her put his arm around her and looked back at the stars taking a moment before bridal style carrying her back to Casita.

jules is deffo a bimbo not understanding that u and camilo were having a moment lolol

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