Chapter Seven: Realization

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Chapter Seven: Realization

*A day later*

I open my eyes faintly, eyes adjusting to the bright light shown above me. My body ached and my head pounded. I felt beaten and tortured. 

"Finally, you're awake~" A sharp metal object was stabbed into the palm of my hand, reaching the hard iron of the bed I lay on. I clench my jaw, hiding the pain that was surging in my body. "All I did was inject you with something. Why pass out on me like that? I was starting to have fun." 

This was humiliating. I was captured and being tormented by a childish man. Once my vision is as close to normal, I rub my head with my free hand and look around. The room was dimly lit with the only lamp that was right above my face. It was all grey with a set of tools on a table right next to the bed. 

Realizing where I was, the only thing that came to mind was someone I was afraid I let down. 

"Kaneki. . ." The sound of my own voice was putrid. It was mortifying being myself in the current state I was in.   

"Ka-ne-hoo?" The voice sounded mocking. I shifted my head and closed my eyes, hoping that it would all go away. But it didn't and the pain hit me once again as I felt another blade cut my stomach. "Talk little girl. It ain't fun if you aren't fighting for your life." 

I scoffed and tried to reach for his collared shirt but he stepped back. He laughed at me as I struggled to take the knives he jabbed into my body out. I was rather dismayed I wasn't strapped down but merely placed on the hard iron bed.  

I looked at the feminine man. I parted my lips to say something but no words came out. Only an agonizing scream as he swiftly threw another one of his blades at my chest and my legs. Ripping the blades out as soon as they made contact with my skin, I throw them aside and drop to the floor. "Talk. If you talk, I'll let you go." 

I didn't believe him. I cough into my arm and saw bits of blood slip out. I wearily got up and pushed the weight of my body off the ground using my legs. Poorly putting my arms a few inches away from my face and legs in a boxing stance, I bore my gaze into his violent, violet eyes. 

He looked amused and I knew that he was. "Ah~ That's how you wanna play." He picked up a blade from the ground using his feet. I watched as he did that, not leaving sight from his scrawny figure. Looks are deceiving, I know that so I keep my guard up. "All I wanted for you was to talk." 

I spit and glare at him. I step a bit to the side, trying to reach for the door. Quickly glancing at it, I notice that there wasn't a door knob. The white haired male notices and uses the chance of distraction to aim his quinque blade at me. I stay put and let him throw it, stepping aside in time to let it penetrate the door. It makes a dent which startles me in the slightest. 

I step back in front of the door and start kicking it. It hurts my knees and ankle as I put more pressure to break the door. I then start to use my fists and practically pretend that the door is some type of striking bag. 

Come on, just fall down. 

"All you have to do it talk!" Feeling my hair being pulled, I immediately flip the male over my shoulder and stomp on his chest. He was quick, and rolls away, getting back up. I release my kagune and engulf myself with it. Like a flower in its blooming stage. I kept on kicking the door until finally it makes a small hole. Stepping backwards, I use my rinaku kagune to hit it a few more times and it falls down, alerting a system that ran throughout the halls. 

Before I could step out, I turn to the investigator who just stands by the iron bed, a scythe in hand. "Don't bother. I could destroy you in seconds if I really wanted to." A look of surprise was expressed as a wicked laugh comes from his mouth. I run out and begin a horrifying slaughter that would most likely haunt me. 


My eyes were swollen by the time I reached Anteiku. My legs hurt and I was fatigued trying to get through the main exit in a space similar to one in Cochlea. 

Bursting through the door, I see blood everywhere and Kaneki in Yamori's grip. Blood was rushing to my head and I was utterly confused. "K-Kaneki," I breathe out helplessly. It all seemed slow as I witness Yamori slam the frail man against the counters in Anteiku. 

The inflicted pain being brought upon him enrages me. Pushing past the flipped tables, I pounce on Yamori and stick my nails in his eyes, gouging them. "Let him go!" I yell, voice cracking. The big man drops Ken and grabs my waists, crushing me. Like an animal, he tosses me to the side and I end up in front of someone I hadn't seen in a very long time. 


He bends down, lifting my body carefully. A second of worry was evident in his eyes but it quickly changed to his rough expression. I mutter his name, and he says mine in disgust. 

"I see you're still as weak and pathetic now as you were before." He says, words harsh as they roll off his tongue. Leaning in, a smirk replaces his pursed lips and soon enough, he kisses me almost delicately. Almost similar to the first time we did. Hesitant but willing.

"Don't. . .touch. . .her." I hear Kaneki groan.  

I squirm as my wounds regenerate and before it could get any better, Ayato lets me drop to the ground with a quiet thud. Planting his foot against my head, he kicks me there with brutal force. 

I scream and cover my head with my arms, too tired to actually fight back. Memories start to come, crossing my thoughts as he speaks to me rashly. "You're with this guy, huh?!" He sounds angry, pained almost. The same voice he used when I crossed the line with dishonesty.  

'Weak, pathetic, annoying! You're such a little brat." I bared his words that were being shouted. The room was filled with just his voice as I sat there, taking it all in. 'You deceiving piece of shit. How could you?!' I did wrong, I know that but the consequence was hard to handle. I try to speak and give my side of what was told to him but he shuts me up by slapping me hard across the face. 'Don't. Ever. Speak.' 

Tearing away from the bed, I quickly press my back against the far side of the wall. Ayato follows me and pulls on my two arms, gripping on my forearm tightly. I tear up, crying from the pain followed from every mistake I ever made being with him. I expected another slap, a punch in the gut even. 

'Why would you do this to me?' 

But I got the opposite of that. 

Ayato stares deeply into my eyes, his flickering with emotional distress. I tremble, shrugging my shoulders as I try to give an answer. 'I loved you and you go with another guy.' 

'I-I'm sorry Aya. I didn't mean for you to find out this way.' I try to cover up the awful deed I did. Putting the blame on the other guy, I felt terrible but I didn't want Ayato to hate me. Of course as irrational as he was and how much he used to believe me, he didn't take my answer. 

'Bullshit. You were his lover, fucking him, and for God's sake! You're fifteen!' I planted the age in his head. Telling him over and over that the time would come when we were allowed to do things such as that, and ironically this time it was him telling me my own words. 

He hit me once more and after that, he cradled me, as if he were about lose me in a split second if he kept acting sadistic.  

He forgave me at the end, and I forgave him for the beating that I endured. 

It was never quite the same after that. He distrusted me and it was him who lied to me. Secrets were building up and the close to innocent teenage romance we had was completely erased with constant arguments. 

I guess I was placing all the fault in our relationship on him but in reality, it was me as well. I'm sorry for that.

//Updated (8.25.2016) 9:40pm//

Differences and Similarities. Ayato Kirishima x Reader x Kaneki KenWhere stories live. Discover now