Chapter Two: Asami

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Chapter Two: Asami

It's been a year since I've been gone from the Aogiri. It's been two months since I last slaughtered someone, severing their heads off from their body. As twisted as it sounds, know that what I do is only a fraction of what I know I can do.

Walking into the classroom, I stop by the doorway, looking inside. Students were scattered around in small groups talking with their classmates and friends. I stand for a second longer before stepping inside, quietly taking a seat in the back, near the grand windows that lit up the room. I liked being near the sunlight. It was something that the Aogiri lacked, something that I hated when I lived there for more than half my lifetime.

Staring out the window, I enjoyed the warmth that the sun provided. Sighing, I distract myself from the scenery of tall buildings and turn to a peer who has been talking to me for the past few minutes. Plastering a small smile, I nod after every pause. "Then I saw it (y/n)! I saw the 'Weeper'! I know I did."

I laugh at her excitement. I call her crazy, though I don't actually let the words roll off my tongue. I instead use my index finger, point it to the side of my head and draw circles. Asami rolls her eyes, "I know what I saw. She had her mask and everything."

I continue the motion, the smile on my face growing as she kept rambling on about the ghoul, rambling on about me.

After a few minutes, of denial and hand motions. I snap my head to the classroom door as I see Kaneki walk in. He too looks at me, waving his hand as if saying 'hello'. I place my fingers on my forehead and flick my wrist, almost as if I were saluting a soldier.

"Aww, do you have a crush?" Asami whispered in my ear, snickering at the idea. I lightly shake my head, a cool expression on my face. "You can admit it. I won't judge." Asami says, pulling up a chair next to my desk.

I again shake my head, changing the conversation when I caught the eye of a female. She kept glaring, gossiping quietly with a few other girls that surrounded her. I furrow my eyebrows as I eavesdrop. Lowering my head, I hear them clearly as they talk.

"How did she even get into this university? She can't even speak."

"I know, she's probably as dumb as a box of rocks."

"Clearly since she's never raised her hand or answered a question in the past six months she's been here."

"Well to be fair Yuki, she's mute but uses her phone to display answers on the Promethean Board. Of course only the professor can see it-"

"Shut up, that still isn't fair to all of us. She gets special treatment. We're in college, not high school, so (y/n) should be treated like an adult."

Changing my focus to elsewhere, I turn back to Asami who was also looking at the group of girls. Cocking her head to look at me, she pats my shoulder, just like Ayato did, and smiles warmly. "Don't listen to them. They don't know anything about you."

She leans in closer, "They don't know you're a ghoul."

My cheeks heated up, meeting her eyes. "It's okay, I won't tell anyone." Her smile is still tugging at her lips, genuinely. "Don't be afraid. A lot of people pretend to be something they're not."

Not normal people,

"And I found out on my own. I put pieces together depending on what you told me. I was filling in the blanks and then one day, it clicked together. Your story, the abandoning, fighting and no marks, it just made sense and of course I thought I was crazy." Her eyes flickered with a new emotion, "So I had to test the theory out myself."

She pulled out a familiar object and set it between her books. It was dented, brittle and could almost be pulled apart. "I used this and threw it at your legs when we walked home together. You didn't feel it and that's when I knew."

Shooting up from my seat, drawing attention, I stand up firmly. Asami stands up soon after and follows me as I leave the classroom. When were out of sight, I turn on my heels and face her.

"I would kill you, I'm being honest but the fact that you've kept my secret, I won't." Asami turned pale, stepping backwards. "I've grown to care about you, and now I'm willing to protect you as long as you keep your lips zipped. Do we have a deal?"

Asami pursed her lips, her red hair frizzing up. She finally sticks her hand out, taking mine and shaking it. "We have a deal."

//Updated (8. 13. 2016) 1:34pm)//

Differences and Similarities. Ayato Kirishima x Reader x Kaneki KenWhere stories live. Discover now