Chapter Six: Captured

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Chapter Six: Captured

(Same day as previous chapter)

Reaching the end of the road, I catch my eye on a boy against the wall, brushing away tears. He had his phone in his hand, gripping on it rather tightly, the screen cracking. Crossing the street, I stroll up quietly and sit next to him. He tilts his head over, a bit surprised and tries to move away but I tell him to stay. 

"What's wrong?" I ask sympathetically. The boy had small brown eyes and shaggy blonde hair. It swept over his forehead, covering his eyebrows a bit. He had dark freckles and a birthmark under his left eye along with another one tucked underneath it. The blonde's eyes were swollen, probably from crying too much.  

"I-I broke up with my girlfriend. . ." 

Prey, that's what came to mind as he said that simple line. Again showing sympathy, I pat his shoulder and give a small smile. It was amazing how some people in broken states poured themselves out (sometimes). "Do you want to talk about it?" 

He shakes his head, not saying much. "Or just invite you to a meal and maybe a tissue as well because you look like an absolute mess." I tease him to get him on my good side. Reaching in my pocket, I hand him a silver silk handkerchief. He hesitantly takes it from me, his finger tips brushing against my palm. From that one second of skin contact, I felt saliva build in my mouth. 

I'm acting like such a monster.

"M-My name is H-Hikaru." 

"(L/n)," I get up and brush my clothes off. Looking down, I see that the boy was glancing at me, eyes trying to lock in with mine. I avoid his gaze and simply stick my hand out. Hikaru takes it and I pull him up easily. 

"Th-thanks. I really appreciate it." He stutters, voice sounding hoarse. 

A fresh broken heart. 

Looking at his figure, I notice how scrawny he is. His limbs were thin and he seemed more muscular than fat. But I guess that'll do. I haven't eaten in a month and my heads starting to pound. I wasn't picky.

"There's a small cafe on the other side of the street. We can cut through this ally and save about five minutes of precious time." I say pointing to a thin narrow strip of open space cutting through, connecting both streets on both sides. Hikura seems reluctant but follows me nonetheless. 

Getting in deeper, I look to the sides and see an open gap squaring into a building. Similar to a tiny room. I stop and turn to face him. "Do you have any friends or family?" 

"W-Why do you ask?" His face turns pale. Cocking my head, I smile once again. "I don't. I have foster parents. . .I hate them and my friends are just a bunch of fakes." 

So then surely no one will miss you. You sure are in for a prize, Hikaru.

"Good," Grabbing his arm, I twist it and bring his body over my shoulder, throwing him against the small opening. Jumping on top of him, I stomp my foot against his chest repeatedly. Blood spews out of his mouth as he agonizingly screams. 

Kneeling down on him, I lift him up and stare at him. "It was nice meeting you. I'm sure you had a nice long run on life." And that was it. I gouged his eyes and use my nails to rip his throat, skin getting stuck between the openings. Red taints the ally grounds and my skin; I was being covered in blood. 

Feasting, I swallow a chunk of human flesh and let the satisfaction kick in. It felt tender and just so right. Licking my fingers, I savor the taste of the blonde's blood. It was like a thousand strawberry's in my mouth. It was that good. 

Differences and Similarities. Ayato Kirishima x Reader x Kaneki KenWhere stories live. Discover now