Tell Me I'm Dreaming

131 11 46

Third Person POV:

Mr.L walked back down the hall of The Underwhere's prison. Timpani and Blumiere weren't there with him, he had told them to stay behind. Dimentio was already extremely mad at Mr.L, he didn't want anything else to possibly make him even more upset. Even though Mr.L half-doubted he could get any madder at him.

The man in green trudged downward yet as the place became darker and danker. Only a few torches were scattered here and there, and some stray water dripping down from the ceiling from the river above wasn't helping. He gulped as he reached the bottom, coming to a halt in front of a heavily locked metal door with blood smeared across it.

Mr.L took a deep breath and fumbled with the keys Timpani had handed over, struggling to keep his hands from trembling as he fit the tool into the lock. With a small click, the large door groaned open, leading to an even darker cell that seemed to be only a black abyss. Mr.L nervously tightened his bandana and tip-toed inside.

"Everything is gonna be fine, Green Thunder..." Mr.L whispered to himself.

His boots echoed slightly as they gently skid across the ground, making as little noise as they could, but were still loud compared to the lack of any other sounds. He walked for a few moments until he reached the back of the seemingly endless cell.

There was a small, singular torch giving off enough glow to reveal the prisoner Mr.L was looking for. Dimentio was crouched on the ground on his knees, forced to sit like that because of his wrists being chained to the floor on his sides.

"Dimentio-" Mr.L started.

Mr.L took another step forward and Dimentio's head snapped up to glare at him. Dimentio's cloak was gone, leaving him in his black leggings and torn-up dress shirt. His now all-black long hair fell in messy tangles down below his shoulders. His face was mostly black, leaving only a small patch of pale skin around his almost completely yellow right eye.

"What in The Underwhere do you want from me? WHAT DO YOU WANT?!" Dimentio yelled, trying to lunge at him only to be held back by chains, "You already took my pride! You stole my dignity! You invaded my privacy! YOU SHATTERED MY HEART!!!"

Dimentio burst into sobs and sank down to the floor, switching every so often from heart-broken tears to deranged sobs.

"You keep coming to haunt me like a ghost of everything I failed to have as a living being..." Dimentio cried, "Just tell me what I need to do to be rid of you!!! To be rid of all of my pain!!!"

As Dimentio sobbed, Mr.L gave him an empathetic frown, not finding any appropriate words to give him. Mr.L waited, and as he did he noticed the hole in Dimentio's chest, the one he had carved out.

Mr.L walked forward until he was only a foot away from Dimentio. The man in green kneeled down in front of him and Dimentio flinched, scooting a little back from the man in green. Mr.L could see that most of Dimentio's face was blackened, his teeth were sharp and canine-like while the corners of his mouth were wider than natural - Mr.L also noted his hooked nose and how his black hair seemed to blend with his skin.

But as Mr.L looked at him, he looked at the right side of his face, to his eye that had yet to be completely tainted. In his eye, he could see that it was still Dimentio, and every other identity he ever went by.

"Why are you staring?" Dimentio questioned, his eyes showing a bit of fear as he shied back slightly.

" badly does it hurt?" Mr.L asked, eyeing the hole in his chest.

Mr.L went to place a hand on Dimentio's breast only for the latter to recoil back and summon a magic barrier around himself, confining himself in an execution box for protection. Dimentio brought his knees to his chest and scowled at the man in green.

In The World Of His Nightmares (DimentioXMr.L)[An SPM AU!]Where stories live. Discover now