Scars Don't Heal

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Mr.L's POV:

I slowly stepped out of the special mirror back into the mirror hall. I looked around, searching for Dimentio to see if he was still there. But he was nowhere to be seen. My footsteps echoed in the eerie silence that settled in the mirror hall, unsettling me after the horrid memory I had just witnessed.

"Dimentio?" I called out, looking around, "Dim?"

I heard nothing in response. No one was there.

I glanced around at all of the now cracked mirrors. They were all back to being normal reflective surfaces as if all of the magic leaked out of them. That gave me an idea.

"Wait a sec..." I trailed off, walking past a couple of mirrors, "If this is like his mirror hall back at Castle Bleck..."

I quickly ran down the hall, glancing at every mirror I could. After a few moments of running, I came across a false mirror. There was a frame laid on top of the entrance to a hall, but it was cleverly concealed from when the mirrors did not have reflections. This is why it seemed to be an infinite labyrinth of a mirror hall when I left my room.

"And THAT is why I have been wandering for hours." I sighed, "I should've guessed that there was a fake mirror simply because this is just like his old mirror hall."

I cautiously stuck my foot inside of the frame, confirming that there was no barrier blocking the other side. I went inside of the hall, peering down to see that it led back to another strand of corridors. I took off jogging down the hall, looking for a hint or clue as to where Dimentio could have gone.

Back at Castle Bleck, Dimentio's room had been fairly close to his mirror hall. If the track records kept playing as they were, chances were that one of the nearest rooms would be Dimentio's. I was hoping I was right and not just walking into another infinity maze.

After walking until my legs started to ache, so at least half an hour, the hall became wider and also taller. Ahead I could see a door and to the sides of it, I could see more halls. I was pretty willing to bet that this was Dimentio's room.

I quickly ran up to the door, holding my hand up, eager to knock until I heard something. Pausing, I pressed my ear to the door and could hear Dimentio sobbing loudly. Before you ask how I could distinguish Dimentio's sobs from someone else's, there was also no one else even alive who sounded remotely like him.

Taking my ear off of the door, I slowly lifted my hand to the door. I closed my fist and rapped against the wood-like surface, the sobbing immediately cutting off from inside.

"Dim? Are you alright in there?" I called out.

After a few moments, the door creaked open slightly, revealing Dimentio inside. I looked at him and quickly noticed two things.

One, his mask was off, so half of his face was visible behind the door. The part of his face I did see looked exactly like it did from all of the memories, which confused me a little.

Two, the part of his face I could see was twisted into a frown, tearstains on his cheek.

"What do you want?" Dimentio spat, "If you're here to end my game, you'll need to get a tad more creative than poison."

I took a deep breath and sighed, frowning in response.

"I'm not the first to try and kill you... Huh?" I started, "But... You didn't fight me back and end my game after I did like you did for Merloo."

Dimentio bit his lip and averted his gaze from me.

"I shouldn't have shown you those," Dimentio muttered.

In The World Of His Nightmares (DimentioXMr.L)[An SPM AU!]Where stories live. Discover now