It's a Date

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Mr.L's POV:

I sighed heavily as I started down the hall in front of me, trying to find my way to the kitchen. After another brief glance at the slip of paper, I continued forward. The next hall was the one filled with mirrors again. They caught my eye, definitely, but I'm also one-hundred percent sure that Dimentio would know the second I touched one.

Shaking the curiosity off, I blazed past until I reached the large room with staircases and halls leading every which way. Another peek at the slip of paper and I walked up a set of stairs to my left, going into a hall that looked more like a blue-colored tunnel.

As I continued forward, my eyes went back to the note next to the instructions. Dimentio wanted to go on a DATE? None of this made any sense anymore. Did he want to kill me or not? If not, why did he say all those things about relationships being pointless?

Not that I wanted a relationship with him anymore.

I sighed and shook my head, turning my sights forward to the doors ahead. The only reason I'm here is because he wanted the Chaos Heart. Nothing more. He probably just needs me for the stupid Heart or something.

But... The letter...

I violently shook my head to dispel the thought as I reached the end of the hall, my hand now grasping a handle to a door.

"Get it together, show no weakness!" I hissed under my breath.

I went to open the door and peered inside. As soon as I let go of the handle, I was met with a fist full of flour to the face. I coughed and vigorously wiped at my face, trying to get the white powder off of my black mask. By the time I brushed the stuff away enough so I could see, I became perplexed on what I DID see.

Dimentio had a large bowl in front of himself, flour coating his clothes as well, and an egg beater in his hands. He was vigorously - and quite violently - mixing something in the bowl. Something that apparently required the flour that coated the two of us. This was already irritating.

"DIMENTIO!" I shouted, flicking some flour off of myself to the ground, "What in the WORLDS are you DOING?!"

He hummed in response and stopped stirring the contents of his bowl, peering over at me. Dimentio still had his mask on, I noted, which was now pure white from flour pelting HIM as well.

"Ah, L! How nice of you to drop in," Dimentio said, setting down the egg beater and smiling, "I was half expecting you not to arrive..... again."

I winced at his comment, immediately feeling guilty. Wait a minute, he's supposed to be the guilty one here! He's the one who committed freaking genocide!

I hardened my gaze back into a glare, crossing my arms as I looked him over.

"What in The Underwhere were you doing with THAT?" I questioned, gesturing to the bowl filled with some sort of batter, "Besides looking like a serial killer with an egg beater as a murder weapon."

Dimentio laughed, dusting himself off, but only getting a small amount of the powder off.

"Ah ha ha, I was just making some cookies." Dimentio chuckled.

I blinked and shook my head, staring at him with a perplexed look.

"I'm sorry... Did you say... Cookies?" I asked, "Because I know that makes absolutely no sense, but it sounded like you said..."

Dimentio nodded cheerfully - how can he be cheerful right now?! - in response.

"Yes! But it appears that the flour went amiss, hmph..." Dimentio trailed off, "Regardless! I prepared for the possibility that you would come and prepared us a dinner!"

I stared at him blankly, waiting for the punchline to this joke he seemed to have going. Just then, he reached into a cabinet and pulled out a picnic basket. A FREAKING PICNIC BASKET.

"What EXACTLY do you plan to do with this?! I mean... Y-you can't be serious right now." I replied.

Dimentio hummed in response and snapped his fingers, making the flour disappear off of our clothes.

"Why can't I be serious? After all, I'm certain you read my note." Dimentio pointed out.

I glanced briefly at the note he was referring to and sighed under my breath.

"Alright, fine. But no funny business." I spat.

Dimentio smiled and clapped in delight, basket in hand.

"Excellent!" He cheered.

First, he's baking cookies, now he wants to go on a picnic. Is this SERIOUSLY the same man who killed every last living creature in existence?! But... This could also be a perfect opportunity to use that poison Tippi slipped me.

I flinched as I snapped out of my thoughts to see him stoop into a bow, gesturing to a door to our right on the far side of the large kitchen.

"Right this way, mi amor ~ 🎶" Dimentio purred, extending an arm out to me.

My face instinctively and instantly heated up to a bright red and I had to fight down an awkward smile. I had to remember what I was trying to do here.

I gave him a scoff and crossed my arms, giving him a half-baked glare.

"Just... Show me where you're dragging me." I said, "And don't call me that."

Dimentio hummed and stood back upright, his mask showing a blank expression as he gripped the basket a little tighter than before.

"Mm, very well." He replied, "Right this way."

He levitated himself off of the floor - floating for the first time since I came back, I noticed - and motioned me to follow with his finger. I gulped at his sudden iciness and reluctantly followed, keeping up a stern façade on the outside.

At least if he hates me now, it'll be easier to get rid of him. Heh, I guess he was right about the relationship thing. A relationship is only gonna hold me back, right now.

"I think that you'll LOVE the place I chose for our little outing," Dimentio said, a smile returning onto his mask.

So much for him hating me, he bounced back in literally a few seconds!

"Yeah, sure. Can't wait to see what stupid dining hall or some crap you have in this palace of nightmares." I scoffed, shooting him a snarl.

Dimentio simply chuckled a little in response, a little unnerving.

"Oh no, no, no. I wouldn't wish to go to such a place for a PICNIC. Who would have a picnic indoors?" Dimentio asked with a smirk.

I perked up a little.

"There's an outdoors to this place?" I asked.

He stopped just before the door he was leading me to and landed on the ground. Dimentio turned to face me, a soft smile on his mask that almost comforted me. He gestured me to the door.

"Why don't you find out for yourself?" Dimentio offered.

I cast him a confused look before turning back to the door. After running a few debates in my mind, I warily reached out and grasped the knob. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Dimentio smile more. With one last deep breath, I pushed open the door and stepped into it.

In The World Of His Nightmares (DimentioXMr.L)[An SPM AU!]Where stories live. Discover now